Anu vs. Suraj

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Recap: Anu returns and is in search of the secret Love affair of Suraj. Suraj is searching for his betrayal.

Chakor was lying on Suraj chest. A door bell disturbed Suraj sleep.

Chakor stood up and was about to go to the door. She was wearing Suraj shirt.

Suraj was moving on the bed. He felt the emptiness. He was searching for her with his hand, but couldn't find her. He opens his eyes and blinks a few times then he yawns.

Chakor was looking through the spy of the door. She saw her.. Anu!

Chakor hides well she ducks... Suraj stood up and stretches his arms in the air another yawn.

He shook his head started to looking for his love.

Chakor was still there not moving an inch. Suraj saw her. "Cha..."
Chakor widen her eyes she shook her head in a rapid way. She also waves her hands in no!!!

Suraj understood. He orders her to stand up. She did as he said and comes near him.

Suraj whispers. "Go and hide in my study room, okay!".

Chakor nods giving him a kiss, she leaves.

Suraj wore his clothes and opens the door.

Anu taps with her feet on the ground. "Suraj why it took you so long to open a door?".

Suraj gave her a look like 🤨. "Who the hell do you think to ask me like this. I open the door to talk to You! Not to invite You! Get out!".

Suraj pushes her out.

Anu fumes in anger. "Suraj! I'm still your wife!".

Suraj scratches his head. "Oh are you?! Uff shit... what now...?... bye!". He waves with his hand and slams the door in front of her face.
"Such a stupid woman how dare she... questioning me in my apartment! Uff!".

Chakor comes out wearing her clothes. She was pissed.

Suraj tried to relax her.Chakor what happen why are you so angry?? Hey?!".

He starts to kiss her neck... ans she was losing herself. She closes her eyes for a moment feeling herself save in his embrace.

"Chakor what is wrong with you?!".

Chakor clutches on his shirt. "woh.... Anu because of her I have to hide more, than before!".

Suraj turns her to face her. "I know Chakor it is a big change in our life, but you don't worry soon I will find evidences against her! After that I will divorce her and officially marry you!".

Chakor hugs him. "Do you think I'm playing with you?!".

Suraj was shocked. "Chakor what are you saying?! Did I said or anyone said something to you like this?!".

Chakor shook her head. "No, but the way she is describing me she is sure I'm bad!".

Suraj hold her tight. "Arrey yaar she is bad! Trust me very bad!!!". He kisses her forehead and both went to the office.

As if she was waiting for them like yesterday, but Suraj had given clear instructions to not let her in at any cost!

Suraj and Chakor were inside the office building at their office floor.

Suraj was hell angry of her presence. He calls his lawyer if there is anything he could do?!

The Lawyer has tried to help. "Suraj she is your wife she as the right to enter the building. But if she got violently on someone who might enter a FIR against her, we could get a restraining order for her!".

Suraj smiles and thanked him. They hung up.

Suraj was rubbing his hands. "Let the game begin".

Chakor shook her head. "Suraj! no I can't do this! What if they later get to know I'm the one?!".

Suraj agrees. "Good point, but then who?!".

Chakor thought. "Hmm there is the receptionist!".

Suraj shook his head. "Haan but... uff okay! They don't like each other maybe it will work".

Anu was roaming around when the receptionist come and asked her to leave the building.

Anu shouts. "Shut up! Do you even know who I am?!".

The receptionist shook her head. "No I don't know and I don't care!".

Anu got angry and pushes her. Suraj records this well Chakor did and Suraj come to the help of the receptionist.

Suraj shouts. "Anu how dare you?! She is an employee of mine!".

Anu glares at him. "She doesn't know who I am I was just telling her that I am Anushka Suraj Kapoor!".

Suraj shook his head. "This is your mistake you are no one a nothing now get lost! Before I will throw you out for your aggressive way toward my employees".

Anu goes near him. "Shut Up Suraj! I'm your wife she is also my employee!".

Suraj was fuming he was holding his temper. "Anu leave before something bad happens!."

Anu leaves and Suraj apologised to the receptionist.

"Sir I understand why you wanted me to do that. Hope you get successful!".

Yeah they got successful. Anu was forbidden to enter the office because of the restraining order.


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