Warning: Ron-bashing

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Ron cornered Hermione in the Common Room.

"What are you doing?" He demanded, face already ruby red.

"What?" Asked Hermione. She refused to cower before Gryffindor's Coward of Cowards.

"You've been hanging out with slimy Slytherins and... rotten Ravenclaws!"

"And?" Hermione questioned icily. "I wasn't under the impression that talking was a crime and I am, as you are hopefully aware, your fellow Prefect so I do know the rules inside out."

Lavender and Parvati approached them.

"What about Ravenclaws?" Parvati inquired, eyes flashing angrily. "That's my sister you're mouthing off about."

Ron retreated slightly. Ginny came up to Hermione.

"When did you say that meeting was, Hermione? I'd like to attend, if Ron hasn't already ruined the Weasley reputation for good." The youngest Weasley firmly ignored her brother.

"Of course, Ginny," Hermione said amiably. "It's Saturday, at six."

Ron stared at the both of them incredulously.

"Hey, what are you doing?" He shouted at Hermione. "I don't want my little sister involved in your Slytherin squad!"

"Talk to the hand, Ronald," Ginny sighed, raising her hand and stalking off with Hermione, Lavender and Parvati in tow.


"I guess the crush has truly been crushed, then," Lavender said worriedly, looking at Hermione. "You used to be into him."

"Yes," Hermione replied distractedly. "But then I met someone better..." She trailed off as Draco, Blaise and Astoria walked up to them.

"Still on for Saturday?" Astoria beamed.

"Yes, and I've recruited Ginny," she mentioned. Draco nodded at the younger girl and Blaise smiled welcomingly.

"We'd like to join too, Hermione!" Lavender exclaimed.

"Yes, didn't we make it obvious?" Parvati questioned. "If my sister's in it, it must be good."

Lavender muttered something which might have been something like, 'if Malfoy's in it, I'll definitely come and Slytherin.' Hermione felt a strange burst of jealousy.

"Draco, if I might have a word?"

"Of course... Hermione." It felt odd to use the Gryffindor's name after years of a surname, or worse, a curse.


The two turned a corner.

"Weasley's against the entire idea," Hermione admitted, not meeting his eyes.

"Oh, so it's Weasley now, is it?" Draco chuckled softly. "I've been waiting for years to see the Golden Trio split."

"Well, I haven't seen Harry yet," Hermione countered. "Also, Lavender's got a crush on you."

"Surely not just every hot blonde within a five-metre radius?" Inquired Draco modestly. "She was going for Oliver Rivers yesterday."

"She doesn't go for Hufflepuffs," Hermione confessed nervously.

"Okay," said Draco slowly. "Well, I'd best be on my guard." He began walking off, then stopped. "Oh, and Hermione, it might be good to have Potter on board. The Chosen One may acquire devoted followers."

So might you, Hermione thought dreamily, looking at the Slytherin's sandy hair. Wait, what?

"Okay," she said quickly and hurried off, pink spots appearing on her cheeks as she raced down the corridor.


A.N. Just so then everybody knows, this is now officially completely AU. 

Hermione has cut her ties with Ron once and for all. If anybody actually likes Ron, please don't send me angry messages. I have always and will always hate Ronald Bilius Weasley. Anyway, just so that we're clear...

Who does Hermione like? It's pretty obvious, isn't it? :)

What will Harry's reaction be?

Thank you for reading and please comment!

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