2. Duh Harry Potter

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Hunter's POV

"Sweetie!" My mom calls me from downstairs. "Time for dinner!"

"Alright!" I shout back.

I set my new book, Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix, down on my bed and jog down the stairs. I run through the living room, into the kitchen and-- pretty much-- jump onto the bar stool behind the counter.

"We're sitting at the table as a family, tonight." my mom corrects me, and I groan.

"Why?" I complain, as I sit down at the table. "We never do it anyway."

"That's the point." my mother reasons.

"Well I much prefer the counter." My brother, Trey, mutters.

I stifle a laugh as my mom hits him on the back of the head with a washcloth.

"Manners!" my mom scolds him, and she goes to get the dinner off the grill. Trey is grinning down at his empty plate as I giggle.

My mom comes back with the steak and puts a slab on each of our plates. Trey and I immediately dig in, and I'm done in 7 minutes. I start to get up from the table, when my mom snaps her fingers.

"Sit." she commands. "You know not to get up from the table before everyone is finished."

I frown and plop back down into my seat, as Trey smirks at me. I roll my eyes at him and stick out my tongue. Yes, I still act very childish at times.

"Let's play 'Around the World', shall we?" my mom says with a smile.

"Ugghh." my brother and I groan.

"Ok, what was the happiest thing that happened to you today?" my mom asks.

Trey answers first. "Playing at my friend's house."

"Reading my book." I say.

"...Alright." my mom says with a well-forced smile. "What was the saddest thing that happened to you today?"

"Leaving my friends house." Trey confirms, his cobalt blue eyes alight with humor. I can see where he's going with this.

"When Sirius died." I say.

My mom clears her throat. "Um, who's Sirius?"

How dare she!

"Mom, he's only like, Harry Potter's godfather that was accused of murdering Harry's parents and was sent to Azkaban, later to escape and find Harry and then they became family again, and only a year later, for Sirius to die in a veil of voices!" my voice raises as I explain the importance of Sirius Black.

My mom looks bewildered and my brother is trying hard not to laugh at my fangirling over wizards.

"Well alrighty then." my mom replies, a exasperated expression on her face. "Dinners over."

Trey and I both jump up from the table and I run upstairs, back to my room. I lay on my bed and stare at the wooden floor as the lowering sun sets it yellow. Ever since yesterday, I couldn't stop thinking about the blonde haired boy that tripped over my foot. I think he had an accent. He didn't talk long enough for me to tell.

I've been in my pajamas all day, reading, and I wish I had done something else like swim or go for a run, so I wouldn't feel so fat.

My phone starts to ring on my nightstand and I look at the Caller ID. Kayla.

"Hey." I say into the phone.

"We have to go out tonight." Kayla immediately orders.

"Umm... why?" I ask her, confused.

I hear her huff on the other side. "C'mon, I bet you haven't been out all day and I need a place to wear my new dress I got yesterday, so you're coming with me tonight." she quickly explains.

"I've never gone to a club before, and you know I don't want to." I whisper, being cautious incase anyone could possibly hear me.

"Pleeeaasse." she begs, and I can practically see her jumping up and down profusely in her room.

"Fine. What do I tell my mom?" I ask, already knowing the answer myself.

"Tell her your coming over for a sleepover or something." I hear voices in the background and she rushes on. "I have clothes for you over here. Come quick!" And at that, she hangs up.

I quickly pack a bag with my phone and book, knowing I most likely will spend the night, and race down the stairs. I run into my mom in the kitchen and explain, "I'm going over to Kayla's house to spend the night."

"Okay, be safe." she instructs.

"Bye!" I call back to whoever can hear me as I run out the door.

I throw my bags into the passenger seat of my white mustang and drive out of the driveway. I wave to Trey as I drive down the street as he's playing basketball with a friend and drive out of the neighborhood.


Love you guys! Sorry that these chapter are kind of short, the beginning isn't as good, in my opinion. But it gets better, so please keep reading :) I also have a sequel when I finish, so don't forget to vote and comment! Bye loves <3


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