10 1 3

I was actually tagged in something so nICE?

 1) Sexual Orientation?
 Tho- jk im Demi c:

 2) Do you smoke?
Not ye- no bc im good

 3) Do you drink?
Crazy story okay, so when i was like young my grandpa used to give me beers but no i dont drink 

 4) Do you take drugs?
Only cool kids take drugs and im not a cool kid

 5) Do you have any tattoos?
Nah but i want one or two

6) Do you have any piercings?
I've got my ears pierced 

7) Do you want any piercings?
SI, i want a tongue, brow, septum, eyebrow and thats about it

8) Who's your bestfren?
Since my at doesnt work, CHIMINUGGETS :C

9) Relationship Status?

10) Biggest Turn ons?
Mysel- tbh idek

11) Biggest Turn offs?
Bitchass hoes who arent ready to get scARY

12) What's your favorite movie?
Rn its IT & Black Panther

13) I'll love you if-?
Literally just give me attention and affection and I'm yours c;

14) Someone you miss?
My brother bc he told me he was getting me chicken nuggets and he hasnt been back in an hr

15) Most Traumatic Experience?
I have had a LOT of experiences that ppl would consider tragic pick one

16) Something about your personality?
Im a di- Im funny i guess?

17) What you hate most about yourself? 

18) What you love most about yourself?
My cod mapping skils bc they r on POINT

19) Your relationship with your siblings?
Sister: She's okay shes alittle thotty but eh
Brother: Love-Hate

20) Your relationship with your parents?
Twas pretty great my dude

21) Your idea of a perfect date?
OkAY so ive got this shit all planned out
A. Go to the aquarium get some dinner and stargaze
B. Stay home and cuddle and have a nice dinner and watch netflix c:

22) Biggest Pet Peeve?
LETS SEE; People who dont know their place, people who talk to me when i have my earbuds in Small children age womb to 10, Umm oh yeah midnight (hes really annoying for a cat)

23) Description of someone you like?
idk man

24) Description of someone you hate?
Okay so onli frens will kno this but Tall, hooded and nyoomy and v bully also gave me an oucher

25) A reason you lied to a fren?
That way they wouldnt worry too much c:

27) What do you hate most about school?

28) What's your last texts on wattpad, imessage, and snapchat?
Watter: Oink Oink Bitch
Imessage: Get your ass downstairs and come feed the fucking cat
Snap: It was a literal dick pic so....

29) Words that upset you the most?
I dont care (used in conTEXT)

30) A wish you've done at 11:11
I wished for ppls happiness but idk if it worked ;c

31) What you find attractive in boys?
idek but maybe kindness and intelligence? bitch idk

32) Where would you like to live?
Well i would LIKE to live in a castle but here i am

33) One of your insecurities?
MY HEIGHT (igetaggressive)

34) Favorite Icecream flavor?
Vanilla bc im basic ;c

35) Who do you wish you could be?
Someone pretty, a little taller, a little nicer  someone who has everything under control

36) Where do you want to be rn?
In Canada so i can visit CHIMINUGGETS (literally anywhere but america it sucks here guys dont fight me on this)

37) Random fact about yourself?
I cosplay and i once stabbed myself in the toe (pm me for story?)

Tags: Literally noone bc i dont wanna bother them ;n;

Tagged by: chiminuggets

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2018 ⏰

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