Night's Taste

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She rolled onto her left side. (F/n) held the sheets closer for warmth, but her mind traveled to how Tarhuinn was holding up. It wasn't hard to imagine him causing trouble for the pixies. He probably already tried to escape once or twice. At least, he had been prevented from calling out to her again. Maybe, he understood that using such a tactic while she was so close to the mage was a poor idea. If she were to go into that state again, Will would find it more than suspicious. There was a chance that he didn't know what a kelremm was, but, with Tergii's and Bimaa's monthly trips out here, she doubted it.

That's when she heard it. Her name was being lightly called. She recognized the soothing tone of his voice. Part of her wished to get up and go back to him, but the rest of her forced herself to stay put. Right now, she couldn't answer his call. He needed to accept that. Bringing the sheets closer to her, she closed her eyes and could picture his protective arms around her. The calming image nearly lulled her to sleep; however, the opening of a door brought her back to her senses.

Moving back onto her back, she glanced over to see Will dressed in a simple green, long-sleeved shirt and brown pants. He smiled to her from the doorway before setting down the wash bucket and putting away the clean dishes. Once done, he came into the bedroom and made himself comfortable on the floor with the blanket. Will said goodnight to her before seemingly falling asleep.

Like before, she had stayed awake until she felt that he was really asleep. After rolling back onto her left side and making a quick check on his state, she was pleased enough and let the image of being in Tarhuinn's hold bring her into the folds of sleep.

A little bit of time passed before Will sat up from his position. Smirking, he got to his feet and quietly made his way back into the kitchen. He grabbed a clean knife before he made his way back into the room. When they had been preparing dinner, he had been quite tempted to slice the blade across a section of her skin, but he had resisted the urge. One of his grins hadn't been able to stay away, though. Luckily, it had faded away soon enough.

Carefully, he pulled the sheets from her clutches and away from her body. A shiver ran up her form. Her hands reached, grabbing onto his right pant leg. The smirk wouldn't leave his lips as he sat down on the bed and permitted her to hold onto him more. He moved the pillow aside, which permitted her to rest her head on his lap. His stunning prize's breathing remained steady.

Gently, he pushed aside some of her (h/c) locks. His fingers trailed lightly across her right cheek before he moved them down to her lips. They were silken soft. He desired to bite at them gently before doing so roughly. To have her crimson life source run down his own lips nearly caused him to drop the knife in his left hand. He couldn't wake her, though.

Regaining his focus, he took up her right hand and upturned her palm to him. Steadily, he drew the blade across her skin. She winced in her sleep, and he paused for a moment. When she calmed back down, he continued. Once finished, he licked the blade clean. The taste was as though someone had dipped a fresh cherry in the finest chocolate. If sweet bread were to be dipped in her blood, it would be absolutely divine.

Placing the knife to the side of him, he brought her palm to his lips. To keep himself from losing complete control, he allowed himself only one lick. As he dragged his tongue across, he healed her wound as well. A groan exited her lips before she went to move in her sleep. She rolled onto her stomach, and he had to let go of her hand. It was healed by then, but he couldn't keep his mind from how delicious the rest of her would taste. No doubt, he had to hold onto her for longer. His bluebell was something to be treasured.

Slipping away from her, he picked up the knife, put it away and lay back down. Tomorrow, though, he would have to work on his last catch to keep himself from moving along too quickly with his prize. They were to go fishing, however. Maybe, he should get up earlier. As he made such plans, a grin plastered itself on his lips before he drifted off into sleep himself.

Unaware to both of them, Tarhuinn was still awake. He sat upright in the pixies' home. The royals were asleep, but several guards kept watch on him. While he called his beloved's name, he focused the rest of his energy on his bonds. It would take awhile, but he would break them slowly so as not to draw attention to himself. His rage would channel itself steadily into the icy holds.

By the end of tomorrow, he should be free. The problem would be getting out of the area on the thin water path. First, though, he would have to dispatch of the guards. Occasionally, to take a break from the bonds, he would watch his night guards' behavior. He studied every aspect of them to learn their weaknesses. It would be better to knock them unconscious than to kill them. If he were captured again, he would probably receive better treatment, which would lead to him having a higher chance of escaping again.

Sleep tried to claim him on multiple accounts, though. Eventually, it would ensnare him, but he forced himself to stay awake as long as possible. Rain had started to pour down with the passing of the night hours. The water felt luxurious across his skin and cleansed him of the past days' efforts. Both royals wouldn't allow him a bath since they knew better than to remove his bonds. Unfortunately, that wasn't the most humiliating thing out of his captive state. To have guards watch him relieve himself was something that irked him greatly.

Just the thought of it caused him to put a little too much energy into his work against the bonds. A crack was heard, but he kept his gaze pinned to the pixie guards. He acted as though it was nothing and relaxed his hands and feet. Moving his gaze up to the sky, he allowed a few droplets to fall into his mouth before he fell back. Tarhuinn told himself that tomorrow he would get free; he would be able to get (f/n) back.

Children of the Water (Yandere M. x F. Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu