the one where you play video games together

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-you watch bc you suck donkey dick at it

-" i'm not playin fortnite, i'm trying to get some coochie for to-night! shnamananaya thank, you very much"



-jack posted something about him liking fallout a while back and i legit screamed fallout is my fucking favourite ahahahaha

-you spend two hours downloading mods

-you play life for life (he dies, it's your turn, you die, it's his turn)

-you made a character together named 'dickel youthenstein' 



-he builds a house for fukkin noobs

-he is a noob

-tries building a roof out of sand and cries when it doesn't work

-"(y/n) why can't i place a block in the air


-y'all already know


-level for level, life for life

-at first it was just life for life, but he never dies

-you beat a boss that killed him and he hugs you for ten minutes

-"i'm so proud."


-movie star planet


-papa's pizzeria

-moshi monsters is honestly so disappointing now

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