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His eyes searched the room, looking at the dozens upon dozens of people sitting at the dozens upon dozens of tables. Looking for a relatively quiet place to sit would be tricky, as everyone had cliques they were on, and always had somehow claimed a table of their own every year, him included. He usually sat with his sister and the rest of their friends, as they all got along and were quite popular, but today he wanted to sit somewhere other than the insanity of his usual spot.

His teal eyes scanned once more, dropping down in defeat. No such luck finding an unoccupied table... Outside, he thought, turning on his heels and leaving the noisy and stuffy cafeteria onto the schoolyard.

The school was known well for the massive cherry blossom tree that grew in one of the school's large fields, earning it its not-so-creative-name: Sakura Academy. The field was ten acres, the recreational and sports field another ten, and the school building itself fifteen. Because of Sakura Academy's large size, it had to be built just outside of the nearest town, but the spot suited it well. It was a nice area, and Sakura Academy was a nice school.

There were enough tables, benches, and decorated gazebos placed outside for students to spend time at, but for some reason, everyone always chose to stay inside.

I never noticed how nice it looked out here he thought. His eyes searched once more. There, under the cherry blossom tree, sitting on one of the massive roots was a (h/c)-haired girl. Her head rested against the trunk, phone in hand, earbuds in ears. The wind blew small pink petals around her from time to time and landed in her hair. The sight would have been extraordinary and perfect for a photo- but along with the petals, the wind also blew her hair about, but somehow managed to not tangle it. She looked comfortable, and the boy didn't want to bother her, but he didn't want to leave her all alone, either. He walked towards the massive tree, his try of food resting in his hands.

He stopped in front of her. Her own tray of food was next to her, held up by another root, with a book of some sort sitting under it. It didn't look like a textbook, nor did it look like a normal reading book, either. A sketchbook, possibly? she had a (f/c) backpack sitting on her other side- which faded into (s/f/c)*. On top of that was an unzipped pencil pouch full of pencils, pens, markers, colored pencils, and erasers. In her lap sat a sandwich baggie full of (f/s/f)**.

He looked back up at her, whose eyes were closed. He bent down and lightly tapped her knee, which was propped up in front of her. A small hum was heard as she opened her (e/c) eyes and removed her earbuds from her ears.

He'd seen this girl before. She was in his choir class after lunch but was normally late. Perhaps this was why.

He cleared his throat. "Hi," he started. "I'm Len."

The girl looked up into his electric blue eyes. She too had recognized him, as he was quite popular- both he and his sister were, along with the rest of their friends. "Len... Kagamine, right?"

Len nodded, still unsure if he should sit down or not. "Yeah, I guess I didn't really need to introduce myself..."

She shook her head and smiled. "No, that's okay. I'm (Y/n)."


"(Y/n) (L/n)."

"That's a pretty name."

(Y/n) looked down at the baggie in her lap. She was never sure how to properly take a compliment, especially in this generation- if you rejected it, you could be scolded and told to take it, but if you did take it and say "thank you", you might be seen as someone who's full of themselves, which is ridiculous. But she quietly gave her thanks anyways and looked up Len, then to her backpack. She closed her pencil pouch and put it away in her backpack, moving it so he can sit. "Is this an okay place to sit for you?"

The Wind Falls (Len Kagamine x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now