Chapter 1 POV Aralynn

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My fingers glided across the keys, producing the final notes of my melody. Tears pricked in my eyes when I finished but I pushed them back. No need to cry of simple matters worth so little. Each song I play tells a story. They are usually one of the stories from my life. This particular song was written for another. It was written about the memories we made together. The song is written without words, for it hasn't the need for any. I miss you .

Loud clapping filled the entire area. Its sound reverberating against my skull. Whistles were heard. I stood from my bench, and bowed next the sleek black piano. Straightening myself I walk backstage, the clapping still continues. Brenda, meets me behind the curtain congratulating my performance. I just put on a smile and followed her out the door where fans await me. My name echoes in crows of excitement all around the room. Several flashes blind me as pictures are taken of me. I just calmly walk through the crowd, trailing quietly behind Brenda. We reach the car, and a chauffer opens the door for us. We slide in onto the black leather seats. The walls are a cream color and the windows are tinted.

"Aralynn?" Brenda's high pitched voice squeaks. I turn and face her.

"Yes? What do you need?"

She takes a large breath in, a sign of nervousness. "Well you see, I've had some issues with the fans. They are pressing for something, they want you to speak to them. They want autographs, or some form of acknowledgement. They want to get to know a little bit about you."

"I'd rather I didn't. Please?"

"Aww, please come on! They want to see you as more than a music producer. They want to know who you really are!"

"I apologize but, if they want to know who I really am, then they should pay attention to the lyrics of the song. I've written stories, they just need to be read and translated."

"What about the last song you played? That doesn't have words. What are they supposed to do with that?"

"Brenda it's called Chasing Memories for a reason. It goes through happy and light music but it also goes through sad ending. It's quite clear that, that particular song is about the loss of a person I loved, but also of the memories we made together. Besides, you know how I am about groups of people."

"Yeah, I know, but Aralynn, I think this would be good for you. I have an idea, if you'll listen to it."

"Go on." I sighed.

"Well, how about at your next concert, you have a one- on-one with a random fan that you choose from the crowd." I begin a protest but she stops me. "Please, just do it once. After that I won't ask ever again! Come on! Pleeaasee!"

"Ugh, fine just once. Only because you asked me to though."

"Yay!" Her peals of laughter and crows of joy fill my ears, making me cringe at the pitch. "Oh, Sorry." She says quickly. "I just got really excited."

I laugh at her panic. "It's fine. Just a bit too loud."


The car stops in front of my home. The chauffer opens the door and I get out with Brenda following out behind me. I let my eyes shift to the beautiful and elegant mansion that I call home. The walls are painted a peculiar color of grey, that in the right light, they appear to be a sort of blueish hue. The shingles atop the roof are coal-black, hardly seen in the night sky. Most mansions in this area are fitting intensely with glass walls for just about every room. Whereas only one section of my home is glass-fitted. That is the pool area, simply because I love the feel of the sun on my skin as I tread the water. I love the way the rays of the sun brighten the pool, making the water seemingly clearer.

Brenda loops her arm through my own, leading me my porch. We walk up the stone path, passing the rose bushes. Their sweet smell fills the air and Brenda sighs in delight. We stand on my dark porch, and Brenda takes her arm from mine, and stands there smiling. Knowing that Brenda will want to talk for another hour I sit down in one of the chairs and stare at the water fountain that has as circular road around it. The fountain stands proudly while the statue of a dolphin sits in it's center, spurting clear water from it's mouth. The water that sits in the base glows with varying colors as the lights underneath it reflect their beautiful colors across it's surface.

"Oh Aralynn, I just love your house! I could never tire of looking at its beautiful scenery. I love my house too but yours just has a special touch to it that makes the place seem magical. In it's own way it's like a dream. A place where the only the most beautiful a pure things can occur." she stops abruptly, and lets out a long breath. "I do apologize for my rambling, Aralynn."

"Oh, it's quite alright. You know I don't mind." I assure her chuckling lightly.

"I know but you've had a long day." She stands and pulls on my arm, so I stand with her. "Come on, up you go. I want you to go inside have a warm bath and just relax. You have the day off tomorrow. You've earned it."

"Thanks, Brenda." My lips to curve upwards , revealing a smile.

"Yeah, I know I'm the greatest. Now get your butt inside and cool down." she orders me.

Laughing I unlock the door, and step inside. "Yes, Mom" I say before shutting the door and locking it. I sigh and walk through my quiet home to the kitchen. I pull out a quick snack and drag my heavy feet to my living room. I lay on the couch, not bothering to turn the TV on. I eat and lay my head down. My tired eyes force themselves closed, and I slip off into a dreamless oblivion.

Chord To Kill (ON HOLD)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang