The picture was on top of a card that said 'For my baby sis' only!' and the inside had a paragraph about how much he loved her.

Estella sends her brother one last look, before looking at the item in her hand.

Inside the box that she found was a beautiful necklace. It was a gold chain with a single silver charm. It was a star that had engraving on it.

In small cursive letters on the back, it said 'Star-Shine'.

Estella grips it tightly, as if it was her life line.

And in a way, she felt like it was.


Derek was walking into the hospital when he saw Estella get into a car with the man Jesse told him about. He was glad she didn't see him. If she saw him, there would be trouble.

No one made him sign in. No one payed him any attention in fact. And he liked it that way, it made it easier to slip into Jesse's room.

So that's what he did.

"Hey Queen." He softly coos and Jesse faces him, smiling brightly.

"You came!" He chirps and that brought a smile to Derek's face, he lives to see the smile on Jesse's face.

"Of course I did!" He chuckles, sitting in the chair by the bed. Jesse intertwines his hand with Derek's, not removing one hand from his neck though.

"How are you feeling Queen?" Derek lovingly asks and Jesse looks down, causing Derek to worry. He could smell all the anxiety and fear as well as depression coming from Jesse.

" you want..." Jesse tries to speak, but stammers and takes some deep breaths.

"You don't have to show or tell me anything that happened." Derek explains and presses his lips to Jesse's hand. Jesse softly smiles at him.

"But I want to. you want to see it?" Jesse questions and Derek's curiosity gets the better of him.

"Only if you're comfortable with it." He didn't even know what 'it' was, only that it was possibly something bad. That's when Jesse removed his hand from his neck. 

Purple, blue, and black painted a ring around his neck, the surrounding area around the bruise was a violent shade of pink.

Derek gasps and Jesse looks away.

"Jesse, what happened?" That question hung fresh in the air.

"She told me to end my pain I had do do what she did." Jesse begins and looks at Derek, grabbing his hands.

"She said I had to hang myself like she did."


Sera was exhausted, mentally and physically.

"Hey, do you want me to drop you off at your house?" Matt asks her, clearly seeing she was drained. They were in his car driving to the park from school.

"No, I don't want to go home." She states and Matt looks at her.

"Wanna go to my place? So you can rest that is!" He asks and Sera looks at him. Never in a thousand years did she expect Matt Salon to be kind.

"Yes please." She strains out, throat still raw from shouting at a woman for talking about how 'that boy who tried to kill himself should have stayed dead' and that 'he is wasting precious oxygen'.

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