Dean x Reader One Shot

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He pulled you over in front of the game and picked a baseball up off of the ground. The set up consisted of only a few nets to keep passer-bys safe while the participant pitched to the back board, a large picture of a catcher. You briefly wondered if the cheap nets would keep anyone safe if someone playing actually had an arm like that of the players on the field. But your attentions were drawn back to the stranger as he threw with the hand not currently holding you captive. 39 miles per hour. Smack. It hit the backboard.

"Kid, I don't know who the hell you think you are-"

He swung around to face you again as he towered over you. "I think I'm just your type."

You would have taken a step back if you were free, his breath smelled. But it didn't matter, you were starting to push past the feeling of uncomfortable to afraid. He was much bigger than you and if the people around you blatantly ignored you as they were now, he could easily overpower you and take you where he wanted to. No, you'd drop the beers and sock him before that would ever happen.

"Get your hands off her." Dean growled behind you.

You felt his hand on your arm release as it fell to his side awkwardly. You thought for a moment the kid might try and challenge him but he seemed to think twice when Dean stepped in front of you, shielding you with his body and looking down on the stranger. You knew Dean was puffing out his chest a little, trying to look big and scary and the thought made you chuckle a little.

The kid swallowed. "I was-I was leaving." He took a few quick steps to get around Dean but Dean sidestepped in front of him.

"If she weren't here to stop me," Dean pointed to you and he spoke lowly now. "I'd. Kick. Your. Ass." He jabbed his finger into the now frightened kid's chest with each syllable.

You puffed up with pride as the high schooler sprinted away after Dean let him go. Dean turned around and let out an angry huff.

"I love it when you do that." You smiled. Dean attempted to smile in return but was still too angry to do anything but take the beers from you and gently bring your arm to where he could see it. It looked like it would end up bruising. Fantastic.

"Dammit." He muttered. "I should have actually kicked his ass."

"Yeah, he was a dick." You rubbed your wrist. "But that's what I have you for. To beat up guys like that." You grinned up at him.

He snorted, no longer angry, or at least hiding it. He wrapped an arm around you and led you back to the seats.

"I'm not gonna let this guy ruin your day, Y/N. How about another ice cream, one that won't be eaten off the seat of your chair." You smacked his chest as he laughed.

At the end of the current inning, there would be but one left and the Yankees were closing in on the Mets. The scoreboard showed 4 to 5 as the stadium's lights flooded the field, it was getting dark.

When you had returned to your seats earlier Sam had agreed with Dean that if either of them saw that kid in the parking lot they'd run him over with the Impala. They were joking of course, or so you hoped, but they were both still pissed he had hurt you. However, Dean had kept his promise and the three of you returned back to your state of excitement as the game drew closer to a close and both teams closer in score. Both of them would jump to their feet with the rest of the crowd as one of the outfielders dropped the ball, the runner flying through the bases in long strides. Sam and Dean both held their hands on their heads, cheering for the batter at the top of their lungs.

"Move your ass!" Dean yelled beside you. "Go, dude! Run!" You were jumping up and down on your toes and the man in the row in front of you threw his popcorn to the ground as he shouted at the players. Sam was no different than the rest of the crowd,

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2018 ⏰

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