Chapter 1

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Steam billowed around the scarlet train as the horn blew, letting students know it was time to board. To Hermione Granger, it was one of the most beautiful sounds in the world.
"Goodbye Mum! Goodbye Dad!" she called as she gave her parents a final wave. With a contented sigh and a big grin on her face, Hermione turned around to board the train. As she tried to heave her trunk onboard, a pair of arms appeared to help her from behind.
"Thank – Ron!" Hermione's smile grew even wider when she turned around and realized who had helped her. She immediately enveloped Ron in a big hug.
"It's (grunt) great to see you too Hermione but would you mind putting your hands back on the trunk and helping me? I think it broke my arm when you let go," Ron said wincing although he had a big grin on his face.
"Oh! Sorry," Hermione said helping Ron load the trunk. "Are you alright?"
"I think I'll live," Ron said grinning.
"Where's Harry?"
"Ron!" Harry called walking towards them. "There you are!"
"Hi Hermione," Harry greeted giving Hermione a hug. "Can you believe this guy? He's in so much of a hurry to see you that he left all the stuff with me!"
"We're not at school yet Ron," Harry continued. "Just because you're a prefect –"
A squeal interrupted him. "You got a badge too!" Hermione exclaimed. "Congratulations!" she said giving Ron another hug.
"It's great to finally have some good news for a change. You should've seen his face when he got the letter. He couldn't speak for a week! Of course, we were shocked too. Fred and George actually fainted," Harry said grinning. "Of course, we expected you to get a badge. We didn't even doubt it for a second. It was a given you'd be a prefect."
Hermione didn't really know what to say to that. Luckily, another blast from the train's horn saved her from having to reply. The three friends found a compartment and sat down. Once they had some privacy the mood subtly shifted.
"How are you holding up Harry?" Hermione asked.
"Well, you know, I try. If I learned anything from last year it's that moping around doesn't help anyone. He wouldn't want me to do that either. I was quite angsty last year huh?" Harry asked with a sad smile. "Maybe if I wasn't so..." he trailed off. His friends were afraid that he would start blaming himself again but he seemed to remember his new resolution. "The Burrow is definitely better than the Dursley's," Harry said brightening his tone. "I'm really glad Dumbledore let me stay there for the whole summer."
"Mum was really glad too," Ron added. "She knows how awful Harry's relatives are. Well, at least she was glad for the first part of the summer. I'm not so sure about the second half," Ron snickered. That broke the melancholy spell.
Hermione was about to ask why when Ginny entered the compartment.
"I've been looking all over for you! Hi Hermione," Ginny greeted giving Hermione a hug.
Surprisingly Ron got up from his seat beside Harry and went to sit next to Hermione. Again, Hermione was about to ask him what was going on when she noticed Harry grab Ginny's hand once she sat down. Ginny, on her part, had the biggest grin on her blushing face.
"Oh!" comprehension dawned on Hermione. "It's about time!"
Everyone laughed.
"I'm so happy for both of you," Hermione continued.
"I'm not," Ron said. "The summer was awful Hermione. First, Harry was jittery all the time trying to pluck up the courage to talk to Ginny. Then when they finally did get together, I hardly ever saw either of them. When I did see them, I would wish I didn't because they were so mushy! Blegh!"
"Oh Ron," Hermione said laughing. "So from Ron's comment earlier, I take it your mum isn't too happy with this new development?"
"Mum doesn't actually mind it much," Ginny answered. "They're actually both quite happy that it was Harry. But you know, there's still the whole parents-not-being-happy-their-daughter-is-dating thing. My other brothers already like Harry so they were cool with it too."
"Ron actually doesn't mind that much either," Harry added chuckling.
"Yeah, well better you than some strange bloke," Ron shot back.
The four friends continued to laugh and talk about their summers and the upcoming year.
An hour later, an announcement was made telling all prefects to come to the front of the train for a meeting.
"Well, I guess that's us," Hermione said getting up and putting on her school robe and badge.
Ron and Hermione proceeded to walk to the front of the train. Upon entering they saw that the other prefects were already inside: Hannah Abbott and Ernie Macmillan from Hufflepuff, Padma Patil and Anthony Goldstein for Ravenclaw, and much to the Gryffindors' dismay, Pansy Parkinson and Draco Malfoy for Slytherin. Pansy was leaning over Draco and stroking his arm – to Draco's obvious disgust – when Ron and Hermione walked in.
"Oh surprise, surprise the Mudblood was made prefect. I am actually surprised they picked you Weasel," Pansy greeted the two disdainfully. "I didn't know you had enough brains to make sure the badge didn't stab you when you put it on. You know the quality of the school is declining when they start giving privileged positions to those who are so obviously inferior. Isn't that right Draco?"
Draco simply sneered at them.
At that moment, the Head Boy and Girl entered the compartment.
"If you don't know us already, I'm Eddie Carmichael and this is Katie Bell. We're the Heads this year and we're looking forward to working with all of you."
The meeting went on as introductions were made, patrol schedules were distributed and rules were explained. About an hour later, the meeting ended and Ron and Hermione made their way back to their compartment.
"Hermione, can you hold on for a sec?" Ron asked pausing in front of an empty compartment.
"Umm, I'm not sure about this part of the patrol schedule. Can you go over it again? We can talk in here," Ron pointed to the compartment beside him. "I'm sure Harry and Ginny wouldn't want to be bored with prefect stuff."
"Sure. Which part?" Hermione asked sitting down. She looked up at Ron who was still standing and was oddly the colour of a ripe tomato.
"This one," he said, handing her the paper and pointing to a corner.
"World gout wime?" Hermione asked confusedly trying to read Ron's untidy scrawl.
Ron turned even redder if it was at all possible – he now looked like a radioactive ripe tomato.
"Would you go out with me?" he mumbled.
Hermione was taken aback. She wasn't quite expecting that. Alright, on some level she did expect it but she just didn't know it would be now. Her first thought was to say no. Her feelings for Ron weren't as strong as his was for her. It felt like saying yes would be a betrayal but she did make a promise. Maybe it's time for her to move on. Who better than Ron?
"Hermione?" Ron asked, breaking her out of her reverie.
"Yes," Hermione answered smiling. "I'd love to."
Author's note: What do you think so far? Please review! Thanks for reading!

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