° How They Ask You Out On A Date °

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Aaron Hotchner 'Hotch' -- It was a slow day at the office for you, and well everyone else. No new cases, just boring old paper work. You look to your left and give Morgan a small smile then look ahead of you to see Reid reading another book.
"Done with all your paper work Reid?" You question with a cocked brow.
"Yes, actually. I didn't have much so I decided to pick up a book and read." He gave a light shrug and you nodded.
"Hotch hasn't come out yet, so I'm just going to go slip in and see what's bothering Mr. Bossman." You say to them as they all let out a sift chuckle.
"Only you can call him Mr. Bossman and get away with it." Morgan implied. And, well, it was true.
"I know. I'm his favorite." You joked and Reid looked up at you with furrowed brows.
"Wait, really?" He asked concerned. You smirked and walked past him. As you did, you ruffled his hair. You walked up to Hotchs office and gently knock, then walked in.
"Hey Hotch, how are you in here? Haven't seen you all day?" You asked and take a seat in front of him. He looks up from his paper work as his hazel eyes penetrate yours.
"I'm fine. Just doing my job." He said in a low husky voice.
"Oh, well how's your life at home?" You asked, just wanting to speak with him more, understand him.
"Its okay." He shrugged and let out a soft sigh. "(Y/F/N). Can I ask something?" You nodded gently.
"Of course, anything."
"Would, would you like to go on a date with me tonight?" He questioned as he had never broken eye contact. As if you were the only one in the world.
"I, I would love that Hotch." You smiled brightly and so did he.
"Aaron." He corrected.

David Rossi -- You sat at your desk that was located in its own office at work. You were a (insert job) and you loved it. Since the time David had saved you, there was no other person on your mind. He was tall, dark eyes, beautiful smile. He was perfect to say the least. You eyes flickered from paper to paper as you heard a small knock on your office door. You raised your head and cocked it to the side a little.
"Come in." You said softly. The door handle had moved and the door was suddenly open now.
"David? Its been a while." You softly laugh as you stood up. He gave you a smile and a bouquet of roses.
"For you, the most beautiful flowers." his eyes connected with yours as you blushed.
"Why thank you. I'm sure you didn't travel all this way to give me roses. So David, What's the real reason you can all this way?" you said as you planted the roses in a vase.
"Well, I was wondering if you would like to go out tonight?" You just smiled brightly.
"I would love that David."

Derek Morgan -- You sat in Penelopes office as Derek and the rest just arrived home from a murder case. You liked to stay back, making sure everyone had everything when they arrived back from their trip.
"Button I think your crush is back." Penelope informed you. You gave her a small glare as you stood up.
"Thanks captain obvious." You laughed and so did she. You grabbed a few things and walked out, instantly meeting his glance.
"Welcome back." You said kindly and he just smiled one of his award winning smiles.
"Well thank you princess. Say, what do you think of me taking you out for dinner later?" He raised a brow and so did you.
"I thought we were keeping things professional?" You questioned him as you walked down the steps, closer to him.
"Yeah, well its not working all that well." He chuckled and you couldn't help but laugh along.
"Well then I say we have a date." He nodded with a bright smile, then kissed your head.

Spencer Reid -- It was a typical day. You had gotten home and started to read your new book you got from (insert author) meet and greet. It was your favorite but they only sold while (insert author) was on tour. This time, you got yourself a copy. You had started to read it but instantly got distracted from your phone buzzing. You picked it up and answered it.
"Hello?" You questioned lightly.
"(Y/F/N), Its Spencer Reid. I was wondering if you had any plans tonight?" He sounded very nervous as he asked the question.
"I would love to. Where would we be meeting?" You asked.
"Well I was hoping to pick you up from your humble adobe." He let out a nervous chuckle and so did you.
"Of course. My address is (insert address). I'll see you at 8?" It was 6 now, so hopefully he agreed to the time.
"I will see you then." You could almost hear the smile in his voice.
"ill see you later Spence" you smiled to yourself as you hung up the phone.

Emily Prentiss -- You were laying on your couch. Someone knocked on your door but you were so emotionally drained you had no idea. Another loud knock and you just groaned
"Come in." You said in a low voice. Your arm had covered your eyes because you had a pounding migraine and didn't want the light to seep through.
"Hey, how are you feeling?" Emily asked in a sift, sweet voice.
"I'm good, thanks." You replied and looked up at the beauty.
"I brought you some food." She handed you an In-n-out burger bag.
"Why thank you." You smiled and took the bag from her hands.
"(Y/F/N), would you like to go out sometime? I know you aren't feeling the best, but I was just curious." She shrugged gently as she kept eye contact.
"Always. Maybe tomorrow though, once my migraine leaves." You replied with a large smile.

Jennifer Jareau 'JJ' -- you sat at your desk as a groan escaped your lips. Your eyes flickered from paper to paper. You were very exhausted to say the least. You just got home from a cade and now, you just wanted to sleep.
"Tired?" Your best friend Emily asked.
"Somewhat, yeah." You replied and looked up at her.
"Have you seen JJ?" You asked as you stood up.
"Shes in Hotchs office." She informed and you nodded. You wrote a little note and placed it in JJs desk. It read 'Meet me outside in the back. I have a question to ask. ' you smiled at Emily then walked out back.
A few minutes have passed and JJ had eventually came out.
"You had a question?" She asked concerned.
"Uh, yeah. I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me? Tomorrow?" You asked as you bit your bottom lip.
"Of course." She giggled lightly

Penelope Garcia -- you were just getting back from work. You had made another comic convention and you were exhausted. Your apartment was filled with drawings of your recent comic creation. You just couldn't help but think of that blonde beauty you met a week prior. You twiddled a pen in between your fingers as it tapped on the desk.
You looked at your phone as someone just messaged you.
'Hey (Y/F/N) its Penelope, how are you?' You smiled to yourself and texted back quickly.
'I'm great, how are you my princess peach?' You shook your head at how corny you were.
'I am great. Hey, I was wondering if you would like to hang out sometime?'
'Like, as a date? ' you messaged back with a smirk.
'Yeah, a date.' She replied.

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