Chapter 5

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Mitch POV

Mum said we were having guests today and she was making dinner and warned my little sister and I to be on our best behavior. I stay in my room the whole day until I hear the doorbell followed by footsteps and voices but I couldn't hear what they were saying because my room is the last room at the right conner. I hear my mum's loud voice

"Mitch get down here and greet the new neighbours" she shouts

Gosh my mum shouts a lot

I take a quick look at my appearance in the mirror and smile to myself

What you have to make a good first impression when you are meeting people for the first time

I quickly go downstairs and the people I see surprise me

Standing in my house is Caroline and her mum

Caroline Pierce the girl I've had a crush on since third grade although she's kind of shy to talk to people and I don't know why

She kept staring at me in shock and when I caught her staring I decided to use one of those cheesy pickup lines I use to flirt with girls

"Take a picture it will last longer"I said smirking at her

During the introduction I met a little boy whom I assume to be Caroline's little brother and he looked older than my sister with two years and he was cute.

After the introduction we had dinner with them

After dinner there was nothing to do

I look around me and see Mrs Pierce and my mum talking like they have known each other since forever

I see my sister lily playing with Caroline's little brother
Gosh I have to find out his name

Then I notice Caroline looking as bored as I am with her nerdy glasses that makes her eye look small and her hair parked neatly into a ponytail and she is wearing a beautiful blue dress that brings out her eyes

I walk to her and sit down next to her on the couch because I  know she has been avoiding me but i don't know why. She does not notice me until I speak

"Why are you avoiding me?" I ask her

"I am not avoiding you" she says dryly

"Then why can't you look at me talk less of speak to me?" I ask again

"Because I don't talk to people. I help them with assignments and stuffs I don't make friends I like being on my own "she says coldly

Why is she being so mean to me I just want to be friends with her
And what's that about liking to be on her own
Damn even I know that nobody like being on their own so why would she say that

"Why?" I ask

"Because no one cares about me except mum and max" she replied

So that's her brother's name I think to myself

"I care " I say and smile at her to make her know that I am sincere

"But you don't even know me" she says

"I do and I want to know you more" I reply

And I mean it when I say I want to know her more
I mean why is she so quiet all the time
Why does she say no one cares about her
And why is she trying to push me away even when I want to be open and be her friend.

A\N: phew I am finally done with this chapter
My body aches badly
Writing someone's POV is hard work
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Also tell me if you want me to read your story
PS: don't be scared to talk to me. I love making new friends
Have a great day everyone !
Pps: longest chapter I have written so far
Goodbye and have a great day everyone

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