Mama's Birthday

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"Bedtime," Hoseok announces the minute he sees Jooheon's eyes drooping.

Hyunwoo just hums and Changkyun looks like he's woken from a nightmare, the sleep shaken from is eyes.

"What's wrong my Tanuki?" Hoseok cooes, a hand ruffling is youngest's hair.

"Nothing," Changkyun tries to sound defiant but his nibbling on his shirt collar.

"I'll take Honey," Hyunwoo offers, switching off the television and getting to his feet.

Changkyun follows, which is albeit worrying for Hoseok, he usually helps the youngest get ready for bed.

He doesn't think too much into, maybe he thinks he's a big boy and wants to be with his father. Hyunwoo lets he children be more independent with the exception of Jooheon, who is just his father's weakness. Hoseok tends to be little overbearing but he thinks it's okay, they're young. There's nothing wrong with showering them with affection while he can. It's only a matter of time till his sweet Tanuki becomes like that sarcastic sloth that hides out in his room.

Hoseok isn't ready to let his youngest grow up.

He's being over dramatic, he knows but he can't help himself. Sighing, he too retires to his bedroom. At the very least, he can count on Changkyun to sleep with them.

"Not going to shower?" Hyunwoo asks as he slides into bed.

"I had one before you came home," Hoseok answers absent-mindedly, his eyes locked on the door.

"What's wrong?" Hyunwoo asks, watching his husband in amusement.

Hoseok frowns, as he cranes his neck,"Where's Changkyun?"

"Oh," It dawns on Hyunwoo," He said he's sleeping by himself tonight."

"Huh," Hoseok stares down at his husband.

"Huh,"Hyunwoo imitates him with a smirk.

"You didn't threaten him?" He sounds ridiculous and he knows.

Hyunwoo attempted convincing Chagkyun to sleep on his own many times in the past.

"Don't be ridiculous babe," Hyunwoo shakes his head as he tries to pull his husband closer,"Threatening hasn't worked the first hundred times I tried, it's not about to work now."

"So you did threaten him," Hoseok accuses.


"Did you bribe him?"

"Hoseok, baby, Changkyun can't sleep with us forever. If anything, considering how long Hyungwon managed to stay in our bed, I'm proud of my Tanuki,"Hyunwoo tries to reason, successfully wrapping his arm around Hoseok's waist.

Hyungwon had slept with them till he was seven, Hoseok didn't have a problem, like how he doesn't mind Changkyun sleeping with them but Hyunwoo feels otherwise.

"You sure you didn't tell him anything," Hoseok tries once again, almost wishing his husband did have some part in this.

That his Tanuki just didn't decide he doesn't want to sleep with his mama on his own.

"I'm sure," Hyunwoo stresses, pulling Hoseok in for a kiss.

When they break apart, Hyunwoo can feel the frown upon Hoseok's lips and he wants to kiss it away but that wouldn't do any good. He had been inexplicably sad when Hyunwgon and Jooheon took to sleeping on their own.-it might be worst when it comes to Changkyun.

The only exception to this was the twins who only needed each other to sleep.

"Go to bed babe," Hyunwoo presses another chaste kiss to his husband's lips.

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