Chapter 2

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"Andy please can I please please please" I begged Andy

"Yeah please please please" CC begged also

"Fine you can stay the night no funny business Thoe" he said staring at ash

"Okay thanx brother love you bye" I said walking over to ash as Andy left

"So echo you have a boyfriend" CC asked as Ash hit him and blushed

"No Iv never had a boyfriend" I said

"WHAT!! really you would assume

Because your so pretty" ash said and I looked at him i shock

"Well you are"he said

"Thanx ash" I said and winking and sat next to him and put my head on his shoulder

"Can I talk to you upstairs" he asked me

"Yeah" I said as we walked up stairs to his room

"What is it ash" I said

"We'll um I- screw it" he said and kissed me and I kissed back and we let go of each other and I smiled

"I like you echo I really do" he said

"I like you to but Andy would be pissed" I said.

"I know do we have to tell him Thoe" he said

"I guess not" I said

"So want to be my girl" he asked

"Why I would love too" I said kissing him back onto the bed and letting go and went down stairs..

"Hey guy were a couple now" he said "but you cannot tell Andy or Juliet" he said and all the guy nodded and me and ash went upstairs and fell asleep together

*next morning*

I woke up with Andy in the door way staring at me

"Have fun last night" he asked seriously

"No I fell asleep on his bed and he must of came back and fell asleep" I said lying

"We will talk later now get out if here while I talk with Ashely" he said and I walked down stairs


"ASHLEY!!" I yelled

"WHAT IM UP" he yelled

"Why were you in bed with my sister" I asked

"She Was tiered to I told her she can sleep in my bed" he said

"Okay we'll I don't want you liking her okay stay away from my sister" I said

"YOU CANT I CAN SEE HER IF I WANT I LOVE HER AND SHE LOVES ME" he yelled and I was getting mad so I walked down stairs grabbed echo by the wrist and walked out


"Andy stop GET OFF OF ME LET GO" I yelled at Andy

"No let go your never seeing them again" he said

"ANDY STOP YOU CANT" I screamed but he got me in the car and we got home and he was mad

"So you love Ashely now huh?" he said

"I hate you I WISH I WAS NEVER MY BROTHER!!" I screamed right when Juliet came in she must if herd me cause she was wide eyed

"WELL SOMETIMES I WISH THE SAME THING!!" he yelled which brought me to tears and I ran upstairs and into my room and locked it and Andy was banging on it I packed a bag a jumped the window and ran to the guys house I never want to see Andy again


"Why did you say that to her" Juliet said

"When said it to me" I said

"SHE IS A TEEN ANDY" she yelled

"I know I know" I said bursting threw her door and she wasn't there

....What have I done :(

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