I put my hands up to my head.

"Do you not believe me?"

"No, I don't."

"Put some pants on," he said, "I'll show you."

"Hold on-"

"Put some damn pants on and let's go," he ordered firmly.


I got out of bed and grabbed the same shorts I was wearing yesterday. I pulled them on and followed Zavien out of the room. We descended the stairs, standing at the door was Yael, Blaez, and Hunter.

"Watch very closely," Zavien said.

He opened the door, I watched as he turned and faced me, he stepped backwards outside. The three men vanished into thin air, and Zavien changed.

He was... beautiful.

I brought my hands to my mouth. "What the..."

He extended his hand.

"We need to go," he said, "come."

I couldn't disobey. I stepped out and took his hand. He pulled me into his chest. I looked back and saw that there was absolutely nothing there. I walked out of an invisible house.

Is this real life?

I looked up at Zavien. "Where are we going?"

"Sneaking into my palace," he murmured. "Close your eyes."

I remember this.

I closed my eyes and buried my face in his shoulder. He tightened his grip around me, I felt lighter than air for all of a second before I felt normal again. I slowly pulled my face from his shoulder and looked around. We weren't outside in the cold in the middle of nowhere anymore. We were in the foyer of a gigantic palace.

He looked down at me. "Be silent," he whispered.

He let go of my waist and held my hand as he snuck me around his home. It was enormous. Then again, I did just watch him change from one man into another. He led me into a room and shut the French doors.

"Why are we sneaking around your palace and whispering?" I whispered.

"Because Zade caught your scent," Zavien murmured and brought me over to the bed. "Get comfortable, this is where you'll be until I can get you back into the Void."

"The Void?" I asked as I crawled on to the bed.

"It's the place you've been in. The place I hide out at. It's one of my many Warlock abilities," he said softly. He pulled up a chair and sat at the end of the bed.

"Is this your room?"

"I can't really call it mine, I haven't slept in it for as long as I can remember," he chuckled softly.

I looked down. "We have a lot to talk about."

"We can do that when you wake up."

"I think we should get it out of the way, now."

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Still a demanding little girl, aren't you? Can't help but order me around like a dog."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Not yet," he muttered.

"You're not some random Vampire, and Yael, Blaez, and Hunter don't exist."

"No, they do not. And no, I am not. I am Zavien Yael, the Hybrid Lord and the Princess's betrothed."

"And you didn't wipe your memories," I said drily.

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