Family Affairs

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My hair stood on end, a shiver raced down my spine and I could feel a knot in my throat. I can't believe it was him...

My name is Aaron Perkins. I'm a CSI in the State of Vermont. As any other day, I got a call from the Police Department requiring me and my team to investigate a crime scene. I called the team, on my way to work, and let them know I wanted to meet them at the office in 10 minutes. I got to the conference room and the team was waiting for me.

- Good morning everyone. The Police Department called us to solve the murder of a 26-year-old woman. She had been reported missing, by her mother, on March 14th. The mother's statement was that she and her husband had left town for the whole week and they were coming back on Monday, March 19. While they were gone their daughter was staying at the house and going to work. On Tuesday the 13th the mother got a call from her daughter's boss saying that she hasn't shown up for work. They got worried and on Wednesday the 14th they reported her missing.

- "Why did they report her missing on Wednesday, instead of that Tuesday?" said CSI Emily Hotchner.

- They said that they didn't want the authorities to be involved yet, because their daughter had disappeared over the weekend plenty of times. Also, the parents were out of town, so they rushed home to look for her...

I got interrupted by one of my agents.

- "When was her body found?" said CSI Eric Morgan.

- You didn't let me finish. When the parents got home today, that's when they found her. Inside the master bedroom tub covered in blood. The family called 911, but she was already gone.

- "Okay let's get to work." said CSI Calleigh Prentiss.

- Okay, I want Morgan and Prentiss at the crime scene. I want Hotchner and Rossi to interview the family. I will get everything set up at the police station and I'll talk to the media.

- "Why is the media involved?" asked Derek Rossi

- Because the victim is Veronica Blossom. The daughter of Meredith Blossom and Jake Blossom. The owners of the biggest Maple syrup company in the United States. The company has been in the family for over 100 years.

The whole team nodded their heads because now they understood why the press was really interested in what happened to the victim. Everyone got into two SUV's and we got to work.


Morgan and I got to the Blossom's home to pick up the evidence. When we got there the Police Officer that found Veronica was there, so he decided to guide us to the scene.

- "Thank you for coming so quick, we really need your help." said Sheriff Duquette.

- "We are here to help." I said while entering the house

The Blossom's home looked dark and cold. You could feel the negative vibes around you. The house was as big as a castle; it had a second floor where all the rooms were at. We got to the master bathroom and saw Veronica in the tub. It was a horrible crime scene. There was splattered blood everywhere, she had been stabbed at least 20 times and the mirrors were broken. This crime was complete rage and hate built up for years.

Morgan and I started to pick up all the evidence. Some blood from the crime scene, some DNA from a condom we found in the trash and we also collected some hair near the tub. Every piece of evidence was bagged, and I took it to the lab, so we could look through the database and find the killer.

We got in the SUV and went back to the lab to start testing, while the body was taken to autopsy. I got a phone call from Emily Hotchner.

- "Prentiss."

- "Hey, we are heading to the lab right now." said Hotchner

- "We are going too. Weren't you guys supposed to be talking to the family?"

- "Yes, but there is something sketchy about this family. We wanted to be in the lab and help out..." said Hotchner with suspicion in her voice

- "Okay well Morgan and I just got here, so see you here."

- "Okay bye."

We walked into the room and started to take the DNA of the blood from the victim, the condom we found, the hair and compare it to the DNA from the family. When we compared the DNA of the family to what we found at the crime we knew we had 2 suspects. After I did the testing in the lab I knew who the killer was, so I ran out of the lab to find Aaron Perkins.

- "Perkins, I know who killed Veronica"

- "Tell me, was it the boyfriend or her brother?"

- None of the above, it was her own father.

- "What? Are you sure?" asked Perkins in disbelief

- "Yes, I'm sure. The hair found next to the tub was his"


The dark story behind the Blossom family was that the parents supposedly had left town and their daughter was staying home. Well, the parents installed some cameras around the house and they saw how Veronica's boyfriend, Jason Shepherd, was entering the house multiple times. That's why the CSI's found his DNA in a condom. The father hated Jason. In the past, Jake Blossom had threatened Jason if he didn't stop seeing Veronica. So, they turned around and Veronica was taking a bath when her dad, out of anger, grabbed a knife and stabbed her multiple times. In the struggle, Veronica ripped some of her dad's hair and that's what we found on the scene. The hate between Jason and Jake was that Jason was Veronica's half-brother. Jake had a wife before marrying Meredith. This marriage resulted in the birth of Jason, but during delivery, Jason's mother died. That was Jake's true love and he blamed Jason of her death. Jake decided he wanted nothing to do with Jason, so he gave him up for adoption. Four years later he meets Meredith and starts a family. When Veronica met Jason in High school, they fell in love and her father completely disapproved and threatened both. But nothing worked, so the last option was killing Veronica before she could spill every detail of the family business or run away with him. What Jake didn't know was that Veronica was carrying his grandchild. Jake Blossom when to prison for life, for the murder of Veronica Blossom and her unborn child.

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