Mental health

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Mental health

We all have our good days and our bad days, some more than others. Some days we can get out of bed and be productive and live our lives, others we can barely wake up, its a struggle to open our eyes, let alone, let our feet graze the cold floor, sending goose bumps up our legs, like the anxiety does the second we unlock the door.

Mental health

It's not to be romanticized by society. It is a real condition. It's not a boy kissing the scars on your wrist, it's the ugly jagged bleeding scars. The ones up your legs and stomach. It's the fingernails digging in your hips, an the blades to your wrist, it's the wanting to feel something, to stop from feeling nothing at all. When you're so numb that you want to feel something, so you know you're still alive. It's the ugly sobbing to where you can't breathe and it throws you into an extreme panic attack where you feel like you're dying and you can't breathe and yet you're still alive seeing and feeling everything and nothing all at once.

Mental health.

It's the nights you can't sleep because your brain refuses to shut off telling you every little thing you have ever done wrong. Even from over 10 years ago it will bring up the tiny mistakes that you made. It never lets up. It's the not getting enough sleep and you tell everyone "I'm okay just tired" when in the reality of your head you're not just physically tired, you're mentally tired also. Tired of feeling this way, tired of being well, tired..

Mental health

It's the mood swings of the bipolar. It's the being happy one second and on a murderous rampage the next. It's feeling every emotion all at once and your body can not physically process the things or emotions it is feeling. It's like when you're angry and sad for something someone did but worse. It's like getting extremely angry at someone for dropping a pen. As simple as dropping a pen and you get murderously angry for no reason. And then you get depressed and start crying because you got mad for no reason, and then you get angry because you're crying and then you start to feel disgust for yourself because your mad because you cried. And then you start to fear that everyone hates you and despises you like you do yourself

Mental health.

It isn't pretty
It isn't cool
It isn't funny
It isn't a game
It's not wanted by any of us that have it
It's painful not just for us but for the people around us who love us too,
It's difficult for the people outside of our heads to understand or even begin to comprehend what goes on inside a bipolar girls mind
It's strange and unusual and its hard to live with, not just for yourself, but for the people who live with you too.
So the next time someone makes fun of mental health or romanticizes it. Stand up and remember It's a literal hell no one wants to be a part of. Listen and love one another. Share peace and love. Not criticism and hate. In this world we live in now we need to spread more love, than hate and promote peace. Help one another and never push anyone down. It's hard enough dealing with our brains hating us. We don't need you hating us too. Like a wise man once said "our brains are sick but that's okay". It's okay to not be okay

Mental health.
It's a wild ride

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