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Finns pov


"Hurry up Noah! My mom will kill me if she sees us!"

"Im trying, its stuck!"

Noah tries to unhinge the bucket of chocolate sauce that we have on the roof about to drop on to the cement.

"Let me do it! You slowass!"

I twist the cap and the liquid just falls out.

"Are you kidding me!" I look down and see our principle covered in chocolate.

"Fuck this! Goodbye finn" noah runs away and the principal looks up.

"Wolfhard! My office! Now!"

I groan and walk down the stairs from the roof.

I make it to the main hall and see chocolate foot prints.

I laugh at the site and follow the footsteps.

I open his office door and hes cleaning himself off.

"Sit down Finn" he says sternly. You can hear the anger in his voice.

All of the sudden my mom opens the door.

"Oh my god, did finn-"

The principle gives my mom a look shes seen before.

"Finn! What the hell? Chocolate sauce?"

"I thought it would be a funny prank.. but in my defense sir, I actually didnt know you would walkout at that time. That was just fate."

"Fate? Fate!"

I smirk a little and my mom nudges my shoulder.

"Thats it! Ms. Wolfhard, we're a 3 strike school. This is finns fourth strike! Im sorry but Finn, you are expelled and if you step foot in campus again you will be served with papers."

"What! Your expelling me over chocolate sauce!" I say not believing the words that just came out of his mouth.

"Clean out your locker and go" the principle says while opening the door for us to leave.

My mom walks out of the door and I follow after her.

She stays quiet while I clean out my locker.

I put everything in my backpack and walk out with my mom.

Its silent in the car before my mom breaks the silence.

"What were you thinking finn? Do you get what this means? If you step foot back on school property you will get a restraining order. Finn, you've been kicked out of 3 schools and ive had to homeschool you twice while we even waited to get in. You promised me you'd do better. You've left me no choice"


"Aunt Kate owns a boarding school, shes the principal and she lives there"

"So.. what does that have to do with me?"

"Finn, you're going. You're gonna live with your Aunt Kate"

"What! No! I have friends here-"

"Clearly not good ones if you still behave the way you do!"

"But thats all to do with me! Not them..."

"You wouldn't have done have the shit you do now with no friends"

I keep my head low as mom drives us home.

"Pack. Ill call Aunt Kate"

I run upstairs and slam my door behind me.

I scream into my pillow and throw my backpack on the ground.

I sit up and look around the room realizing I might have to say goodbye to it for a little while.

"Hes just getting more and more out of control and I just dont-"

I hear my mom talking and I creek open my door a little and listen in.

"Thank you Kate, I dont know what I'd do without you"

The phone hangs up and I hear my mom get up from the couch.

I run over to my bed and lay on it.

My mom opens the door.

"So you're going tomorrow.. its called Memotown Academy. You don't have to pack a whole bunch of clothes, because you'll be in a uniform.."

"A uniform! Ugh just kill me now"

I groan and walk over to my closet and grab my favorite clothes and just put them in a bag and my watch and charger for my phone.

"Wait when are we leaving"

"Finn.. im not going too, im taking you to the airport very soon and you'll be there later afternoon and get ready to put on your best british accent.."


"Where do you think it is?"

"Like in california, I dont know"

"Finn its in england. You're going to a boarding school in england. Thats why I said the british accent thing..."


Hehehe new book! Im so happy abbdhshdhdhd hehe

Sincerely, @aubwolfhard

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