Chapter 3

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I checked the time and it was 5:30.
"Hm... If I set my alarm for 6:30, I can take a quick shower, get dressed, do my hair quickly, and put a light touch of makeup... I should be done by 7:30, 7:45 at the latest... Ok!" I set my alarm and passed out on my bed.
At 6:45 I heard your alarm. "Crap! 15 minutes off!" I rushed to the bathroom and took a shower. Once I got out, I quickly grabbed something from my closet. I got dressed in a polka dot dress and a light blue, short sweater on top. I fixed my hair that got messed up in my sleep then put some makeup on. By the time I went to my living room to sit and rest, it was 7:45. '15 minutes left of heaven....' I thought. 'Maybe I should go check on the mail before he gets here...' I got up and opened the door, only to see Jungkook. Since he was leaning onto the door, he fell onto the ground.

"Ow! Why did you open the door so suddenly?"
"Why are you leaning against my door in the first place? I shouldn't have to worry about someone falling when I open my door!"
"We have a date, remember? Wow, Bunny, you have bad memory.."
"Of course I remember, you idiot! You're here 15 minutes early! Why? Can't I just spend my last 15 peaceful minutes?"
"I was gonna wait until 8 to knock... Geez...... I just wanted to come here a little early...."
"Ugh... Let's just go. I don't want to spend the whole night arguing...."
"Ok..." Jungkook stood up and walked to a sports car that I only saw on the computer or tv.
"Woah.... This is so.... I never thought this kind of car is real...."
"Well lucky you, you get to ride it. Get in." Jungkook sat in the driver seat and I sat in the passenger's. I was putting on my seat belt when something licked me. Like literally licked me. On the cheek.

"CALM DOWN ITS NOT ME, ITS MY DOG! Geez, do you really think I'll do that on the first date?"
"Well you could...." I looked over and saw the cute dog next to me. "OMG THIS DOG IS SO FREAKING ADORABLE!!!" I placed her in my lap and started playing with her while Jungkook started driving. "What's her name?"
"Her name is Puffy. She's a couple of months old."
"Ohh~ Why is she with us?"
"I guess she followed me and snuck in when I left."
"Oh... Wait why do you have your car? Weren't you grounded?"
"Well, I have my ways... This is my friend who lives next door, Jimin's car. He said I can borrow it when he saw what happened this morning."
"Oh. He sounds way nicer than you."
"Yah! I'm the nicer one! He's the one that breaks your heart after 2 minutes of dating."

"And you aren't?"
"I'm not! The shortest time I dated was 10 minutes, which is way longer than that."
"Not really...."
"Aish... What's the shortest time you've dated? Or, even better, longest?"
"I've never dated anyone before..."
"What? You've got to be kidding me, at this age everyone has at least dated once."
"Well sorry that I pay more attention to my grades than my love life. I rather go to college than get pregnant at 16, thank you very much."
"So you're 16, Bunny? Call me Oppa then."
"I'd rather call a random stranger Oppa than you."
"Oh I would like to see that... Get out, we're here." He got out and I did too, while carrying the dog. He brought me to a big park that was filled with children and other couples.
"Why the park? Don't rich people go to a big, expensive restaurants for dates?"
"Well I was gonna do that but then the dog licked your face, indicating she was here. Therefore, there was a change of plans."
"Wow you used big words! You should get a trophy!"
"Shut up. Anyway, you said you'd rather call a random stranger Oppa than call me it, right?"
"Yeah... No. I'm not doing it."
"Then call me Oppa."
"There are many strangers here, then."

"Aish..." I put Puffy down and grabbed her leash. I walked closer to Jungkook. "Oppa. Happy?" He grinned.
"Very." He took your hand and started walking.
"Yah! Let go! We aren't dating!" I struggled under his grip.
"Fine." I kicked his shin and ran with Puffy. He stumbled and swore under his breath then chased after me.
"Yah! Get back here! Bunny!" I giggled and ran faster until I bumped into someone. 'Man, why do I keep bumping into people?'
"I'm sorry!" I bowed and looked up.
"Don't worry about it, HyeJong." He smiled.
"How do you know who I am?"
"You're the girl that's on the date with Jungkook! He was right when he said you looked like a bunny. You also have his dog so.... I'm Jimin by the way."
"Aish... Hello Jimin..."
"BUNNY IM GOING TO- Oh hey Jimin what's up?" Jungkook ran over to us two and gave Jimin one of those man hugs.
"Hey. That's Bunny right?"
"She's cute. Cuter than your other girls."
"I know, that's why I asked her out on a date. I like the cute ones."
"I'm still here, you know. You guys are talking like I'm France or something."
Jimin laughed. "Sorry... Well I have to go now. Bye Jungkook. Bye Bunny!" He ruffled my hair then whispered something in Jungkook's ear that I couldn't catch.

"Ok," Jungkook said. "Bye~" Jimin ran off to who knows where.
"Ugh.. Now your friends are calling me Bunny..." I huffed and walked away with the dog. I was expecting him to follow me but he didn't. I turned around and saw Jungkook with another girl. The girl was clinging onto him for dear life. I looked closer and it was the snob from class. I thought he would be quick so I sat on a bench and played with Puffy. After about 5 minutes he started walking away with her. 'What the... Unbelievable..' I got up and started walking around the park with Puffy. After an hour I returned to the spot at the bench. He was sitting there waiting for me.
"Where were you, Bunny? I thought you ditched.."
"Seriously? I was the one to ditch? Are you sure about that? Because I'm sure an hour ago you ditched ME. You asked for a date, but then you stayed with another girl."

"Sorry, Bunny..."
"Oh, because sorry will turn back time and stop you from going with her. Don't talk to me at school. Don't call or text me. Just let me be. I'm gonna go home." I handed him the leash and started walking away. I heard him scream my name but I just ignored it. 'He's a player, don't fall for him. Don't ever fall for him, HyeJong. You'll regret it.' I didn't even feel the tears running down my cheeks. I started running, then sprinting home. Once I got there I showered, got into my pajamas, then lied down in bed. Before I know it, I started crying again. "Stop it, HyeJong! Stop crying and become a woman!" I said out loud. I wiped my tears and grabbed my book bag. I was gonna have a test for math soon so I decided to study. I fell asleep not too long after with my math book.

Hate At First Sightजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें