Chapter 2 - Professional Roommate

Start from the beginning

30 minutes later, a beaming victorious me did my happy dance as a grumpy Ryder (I just learnt his name during our bet) muttered something about 'not being fair'. But my celebration was cut short by the principle whose name I have forgotten. "Attention students." he said into the microphone, I had no idea where he got it from and personally don't care, "I would like you all to give a warm welcome to Ms. Zenia Killer! Now, you're probably wondering why I stopped your lunch for this announcement, well, don't get too excited but... as ironic as her last name is.... Ms. Killer is the school's very first killer!" The cafeteria bursted into applause. This is not normal, why the heck is murder encourage? Are these people crazy? Ok, so Ryder challenged me to a Doritos eating contest which was a razy thing to do but apparently he isn't the only crazy one here.

"Ok, people back to lunch!" The principle called out, "Get ready for your next class. It's Monday today and you know what that means." And with that, he left. 

 Which reminds me, I can't believe I forgot to look at my schedule. Fumbling through my bag, I found it and looked.

What the heck? Why are my classes: hand to hand combat training/fighting; pranks pulling; weapon using... 

Calm down, Zenia.

Take a deep breath.

I guess the principle and secretary wasn't kiding about the 'pranksters come here to become  professional troublemakers' thing.

"What do you have first?" The girl who had asked Ryder about the Doritos asked me.

 "Training and Fighting?" I replied, but it came out more like a question. 

"Oh cool, I have the too. Don't worry though, Mr. Felix is extremely easy going, not to mention hot!" 

I raised my eyebrows at the girl. Apparently she was crushing on the teacher. 

"Oh, by the way, my name's Emily," she grabed my hand and shook it. "Congratulations on being the first murderer. This school year is going to be so much fun!" And with that, Emily ran off with some of her friends leaving me alone in the hallway. Nice people. 

I stuffed my schedule into my pocket and followed the crowd. When in doubt, do what everyone else is doing. 

When I finally arrived at the classroom, (on time, might I add) nobody was there. "Hello?" I called into the empty classroom. 

"Can someone please reply?" I asked, "Talk about rude," I mumble the rest under my breath.

Sitting down at an empty desk, I waited for everyone to arrive. After 15 minutes nothing. 17 minutes, nothing. 

"Urg! I'm leaving!" With that announcement, I got up from my chair, rudely knocking the chair down.

"Why are you leaving?" A male voice asked. In came a man with spiky hair and a grey t-shirt. His eyes were chocolate brown and on his face, held a frown.

"Why am I leaving? Why am I leaving?" I felt my face going red. I was here for about half an hour waiting for class to start like a good girl, and here, this man asks why I'm leaving? 

"Yes, I believe that's exactly what I just said," his face was completely calm which pissed me off even more, if that was possible.

"I've been waiting for about 30 minutes waiting for class to start!" I screamed.

The man shrugs, "So? Class starts now. Everyone take your seats. Today we will be studying hand to hand combat."

On that word, students start flowing into the room, each one taking a seat somewhere around the room. Soon I'm the only one standing, "Please take a seat, Ms. Killer. Other people can't see," the man said politely. 

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