The Pain is Burning Me Alive (A Troyler OneShot)

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I hate you.

Or you know what, that's not actually true.

I like you. I kind of love you actually. Always have. And I thought I always would. But I don't think I do that anymore. Love you, that is. As I said earlier, I think I hate you. I want you to burn in the fiery pits of hell. Why, you may ask? Well, remember that time at the café? When you had vanilla coffee and a blueberry muffin so large it covered half of your face? You had an amazing time. But not with me. With him.

That's right, I was there. I was sitting at the table in the corner, the one with the red plastic flowers and that strange smell surrounding it. From there I saw it all. Every little loving smile, every little peck on the cheek. It was so obvious that you were in love.

I should have seen it back then. I should have realized that I didn't have a chance. But I was foolish. I didn't want to believe that you were in love with someone else, someone that wasn't me. I couldn't bare the thought of you finding someone else before I got to say that I loved you. So I waited. And hoped. Hoped that what I had seen at the café wasn't real.

On August the 8th it was confirmed. We were going to spend a wonderful weekend in New York and you decided to bring him along. That was when I knew. What I had seen at the café was one hundred percent real. You where in love with him.

It hurt, Tyler. More than you can imagine. The pain was unbearable. And the worst part is, it never stopped. I can still feel it. It's with me every night and every day. Because of the pain, my life is a hell. Because of you, my life is a hell.

The pain is burning me alive. I want you to feel the same pain. I want you to burn in hell, Tyler Oakley. Maybe then you would realized that it was wrong of you to look past that boy at the café. The boy who sat by the table with the red plastic flowers. The boy you didn't notice, cause you were too busy being in love with someone else.

If you hadn't ignored me that day maybe things would have been different. Maybe I wouldn't hate you. Cause I'm sure of it now. I hate you. And it's killing me. That's why I'm going. To a better place, hopefully. To be honest I'm not quite sure where I'll end up. Do you believe in heaven, Tyler? If so, then maybe I'll meet you there one day. But I guess you don't need to go to heaven. You have your heaven on earth. The boy with the brown hair. The boy with the blue eyes. The boy you love.

What do you see in him, anyway? He is not that hot. Sure, he's cute, but not hot. And he never got any muscles on that skinny body of his. Of course that never bothered you, you always said he was perfect. Perfect body. Perfect eyes. Even his accent got you drooling. It was pathetic, really. But I guess that's what you do when you're in love. And you are most definitely in love. So pleas, go ahead and drool over your boyfriend. Go ahead and love Troye Sivan, cause I know that he is the one you have always wanted.

I'm going now anyway.

Goodbye Tyler.


Author's note: So, a suprise oneshot! Wow, that was a suprise even for me. I have never written a oneshot before. Hope you enjoyed it anyway! Thanks to the wonderful brie_weasley for coming up with the name for this oneshot and encouraging me to post it!

And for you who are wondering why I'm writing this instead of my story "In real life" don't worry, I haven't forgotten it. Thanks to the motivation another amazing person called ily_tube has given me the next chapter will be up very soon, so keep you eyes open!

Okay, thats all for now. Pleas vote and leave your opinions in the comments!

Byyyyeeeee <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2014 ⏰

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