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"So what were you saying?" Alexander Stone asked with a small smile.

"Well, umm.... you see" I began to stumble over my words. It was him. I just told Alexander Stone that I thought he was a liar, a cheater, and a player.... to his face! Oh, gosh.... I would never say that to anyone! Even a stuck up, obnoxious, jerk like him! I can't deal with people hating me. It makes me feel like a horrible person! And here I am yelling at a perfect stranger, telling him I think he's over-rated! "I-I-I I just meant that just because someone is attractive doesn't mean they shouldn' judged by their actions. I didn't mean to offend you..."

"You think I'm attractive?" He replied with a glint in his eye.

"Well, ya, I mean I would have to be blind to think other wise..." I mumbled back.

"Good." And with that he turned around and started to walk away.

"Wait!" I yelled, causing him to stop in his tracks and turn around "Did you just say 'Good'!"


"I can not believe you! I can not believe that someone is so self-centered and pig headed that all they take from an apology is that I said you were attractive! Is that really all that matters to you! You don't care if people think your a scum-bag that's judged on a higher scale then everybody else just because you're famous as long as they find you aesthetically pleasing! I bet you don't even know what aesthetically means!" as I continued on my rant every single person the pizza shop was staring at me with a shocked expression.

"What did you say your name was?" he asked

"I didn't...but it's Amber."

"Well, Amber, it was nice to meet you. Good bye." With that he turned around and walked away. As he reached the door he stopped "Aesthetically: Of or concerning the appreciation of beauty or good taste. I won my seventh grade spelling bee with that word." And then he was gone.

That night I sat on my bed going over the day. How could I have said all that to him? I avoid conflict at all costs. I was always the girl to apologize in a fight even if i knew the other person was dead wrong!How is it that one man can make my personality change so much that I yelled at him?

As I lay there on my bed feeling guilty a thought stuck me 'I'm going to being seeing him all summer on the movie set! Oh dear!

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