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I looked around the little room, now completely bare. Less than three hours ago, my things had been in a heap all around the room, and would probably have stayed that way until the weekend on another day. But today was different. I had just finished my last exam of first year, and I would be on my way back home soon.

No more of the cramped work space, no more sleepless nights for four months. That was the only change I could definitely see for myself for the summer. So when my dad asked if I was ready to leave, I simply shrugged and got into the driver's seat. Being at home, being here at university, it wasn't going to be different. People still stayed clear of me, not because I appeared intimidating, but because of what they think I am...

As we drove out onto the highway, my dad spoke up. "Are you looking forward to being back home?"

I shrugged again and gave a non-committal grunt. To this day, my parents didn't know the half of what I've seen and heard. They have enough to keep them busy without worrying about my life.

We didn't make much more conversation during the four-hour drive home, mostly because my dad slept half the way. I was glad; I didn't want him telling me more about how I was a university student and should have a greater sense of responsibility now. I got that when I lived at home, and it taught me just one thing. Tune out!

As I pulled in to our driveway at home, he jerked awake. "Had a good nap?" I asked with a small smile.

"Why didn't you wake me? I didn't want you driving when it got dark, you know that," he responded angrily.

I didn't answer, not wanting to tell him the real reason. Thankfully he dropped the subject, I guess he was satisfied that I didn't crash while driving in the dark. We unloaded my bags and suitcase and took them to the house. I braced myself for the onslaught that we both knew was coming and yep, sure enough, no sooner had we opened the door and I was almost knocked backwards from my mom's over-enthusiastic hug.

"How are you? We missed you so much! You have to relax as much as you can during these four months, okay? And you haven't been eating properly, you're so thin!" I couldn't help but grin as my mom rained these comments down on me. I gently pushed her off and took a deep breath.

"How am I supposed to answer you when I can't get a word in edgewise?" I asked her innocently. She stepped back a bit sheepishly. I glanced around the dimly-lit living room and saw him.

"Hey bro, still getting fatter by the minute I see!"

My brother Sid responded with an evil glance in my direction and went back to his iPod. I chuckled and turned back to my parents. "I'm gonna get some sleep, I have to be up early tomorrow for the coaches meeting. Good night."

As I reached my room, I took out my phone and checked. Yep, no new texts, just as I expected. Oh well, I didn't tell anyone I would be home, no one would have responded anyway. I turned the lights out and said my evening prayers, dropping off to sleep in the process.


Hey to everyone who took the time to read this! If you have any suggestions, criticisms or just general feedback I'll be happy to hear them! Let me know what you think of the prologue, and don't forget to vote, comment and fan! Thanks guys! I'll try and upload Chapter 1 in the next day or two!

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