Calm Before the Storm and Calm Again

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      The next morning I woke up due to a loud pounding on the front door. Dean's groaned next to me and I smiled at the sight of us. Dean was on his stomach and I was on my back. His arm was flung around me and my left leg and his left leg were twisted together. How we ended up that way I'm not even sure but I'm more thank okay with it. There was another sharp pound and Dean groaned louder. "Tell them to fuck off", he grumbled. I chuckled and started playing with his hair. The pounding stopped suddenly but only because shouting started.

      "God dammit Dean I know you're in there. Your precious car is outside now come on and open the door already. We need to talk. I owe you a thanks after all right", the voice shouted. It was a deep voice, no doubt a males. Dean tensed as soon as he heard the voice and he retracted his arm from me. He was completely awake far too quickly and jumped put of the bed, throwing on his clothes in a hurry. I sat up and went to go to him, but he rushed over and stopped me.

      "No Cas don't. Please just stay here. No matter what you hear just stay in here. If someone comes in here that isn't me, Sam, or Jess, I want you to run like hell. Just get out and I'll find you later. For now please just stay here and don't come out until I get you okay", he asked in a rushed. His voice was panicky and I nodded even though I was beyond confused. He kissed me quickly before fleeing the room.

      "Dean wait", I called after him. He was gone though and no doubt something was wrong. "Fuck", I whispered. I jumped out of the bed and threw my clothes on so that whatever happened next at least I would be clothed for it. I heard the door open and there was more shouting from the loud voice. Dean started talking, but he was too quiet for me to hear what he was saying. There was a knock on the bathroom door and I went to unlock it. I opened the door to find Jess standing there. "Jess what's going on", I whispered. She shook her head at me and I titled my head as I was becoming more and more confused.

      "It's not my place to say", she whispered. "Come in here with me though." She reached her hand out and I grabbed it, allowing her to pull me into her and Sam's room. She locked the door behind us and sat me down on her bed. Sam was gone, no doubt in the living room with Dean and whoever the guy was.

      "Can you at least tell me who's out there", I all but mouthed. She bit her lip and looked out the window before looking down at her hands.

      "It's their dad. I really don't want to tell you anything because that's Dean's job but let's just say he doesn't come around often. When he does, it usually isn't for a family reunion to say the least." She looked up at me and I saw the worry in her eyes and my heart dropped. Dean didn't like talking about his dad and their was clearly a reason. Something tells me I was about to find out exactly why. We sat in silence after that and just listened to the talking/screaming that was coming from the living room. I heard something break, causing both Jess and I to jump. I shot to my feet and paced the room just to be moving when all I really wanted to do was go out to Dean. There was nothing for me to do out there either though and I just had to trust that Sam and Dean could handle it.

      Things quieted down a bit and a few minutes later there was the sound of the front door slamming. I raced to the window and Jess followed behind me, and we watched as the man who had to be Dean and Sam's father stumbled down the sidewalk. He looked furious and kept kicking rocks, and I heard Jess sigh beside me. A moment later there was a knock on the door and Jess went to unlock it. Both Sam and Dean stood outside, looking stressed and majorly pissed off. I stepped around Sam to let them be in their room and followed Dean out to the living room. There was a picture frame that had been knocked over and I realized that it was the shattering sound I heard earlier. Dean walked to the kitchen and grabbed his car keys. "Sam will you guys be okay here for awhile", Dean called out. There was an uneasiness to his voice and it frightened me some. I had never heard Dean so angry and shaken up and I was not sure how to react.

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