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There was a bang.And another.Sunny covered her bedroom ears and burrowed further into the blanket.It felt warm and cosy and safe,she could hear the clock ticking on her bedroom wall.It was just past midnight,and the moonlight crept through her windows and shone on her.The light  was too bright for her eyes,all she wanted to was hide in darkness and gloom.Bang! The American family next door was celebrating their July fourth,they couldn't care less if some people next door was trying to sleep.The fireworks exploded into the dark night sky with a sizzling bang,and shone bright,coloured lights everywhere.

Sunny tossed and turned around her bed and stared up at the dazzling stars aove her,they glimmered with light and hope.They weren't real stars of course,she was just staring up at the golden stars that her Mum had painted painstakingly on her bedroom ceiling.Bang.Bang.Bang.She couldn't sleep,because of the loud noise.Well,that's what she told herself.Sunny herself knew that the real reason she couldn't sleep was because her brother wasn't lying next to her,his warm arms cuddling her as she  fell asleep to the sound of his brother soft snuffles an inch away from her head.He was distant,far away and for the first time in her life she felt desperately lonely.Her heart was broken into pieces she thought she could never put back ever again.She felt so small for a little nine year old girl,she wished she could cuddle up by her Mother's warmth like when she was small and breathe in her funny perfume smell..A single tear dropped down her cheek.Not even the stars could comfort her.

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