First Look

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'What in the world are you talking about!? Jane Austen's best book is clearly Sense & Sensibility. Can't you get over your girlish fantasies and appreciate a better novel!?' Jughead argued 'Excuse me! First of Pride and Prejudice is a classic that everyone loves, not to say that Sense and Sensibility is not..But Pride and Prejudice has a certain appeal that Sense and Sensibility does not! And secondly where the fuck do girlish fanstasies come into play!? I'll have you know I love the book because of the romance and the historical take on the story..As mysoginistic as people were in that time period, Elizabeth Bennet is a shining example of a strong,independent and confident woman...It handles numerous topics very well.Also Jughead your mysoganistic culture can go and fuck itself!' Veronica bellowed. Jughead looked at Veronica in awe, they argued all the time, and every time he was left baffled, shocked and impressed.She had a very different kind of understanding when it came to literature, one he thought that only he had. He appreciated this quality in her.

Their newly found friendship has come as a huge shock to everyone in Riverdale,especially themselves. Their arguments had never gone beyond the Northside- Southside disagreement, it was ironic that during one of these arguments a friendship of unrelated arguments began. Jughead remembered that day perfectly. Jughead had been perturbed by Hiram's power and the way he was easily conquering Riverdale. He was enraged really, he began to fiercely question Veronica in the break room, it was only the two of them. Veronica and Archie had called it quits and Betty couldn't be anywhere near Veronica. As of that day, Veronica was running solo for President, Team Varchie no longer stood. Team Bughead however were still standing, not without ample support,but standing nonetheless. Their relationship was supremely close to breaking but it hadn't broken just yet. Jughead as per usual attacked Veronica with multiple questions. Suddenly she looked him dead in the eye, and it was creepy as fuck. Her eye had this fire that was killer,that was almost inhuman but what made it even more scary was the icy layer that was trying to cover it. It was alien to Jughead. He suddenly shut up, so shocked and intrigued he couldn't say anything. Then she spoke 'Hey! Holden Caulfield can u shut up for five fucking minutes! I get that it's not in your nature to be intelligent but like if u could stop attacking me for things I have ZERO control, I'd appreciate it!'. Her speech truly was chilling it was the first time Jughead had looked at Veronica realising that they had a lot more in common than they thought they did, it was the first time he had looked at her with guilt and sympathy carving his emotions. It was the first time he realised that they could have a friendship. In response to that groundbreaking speech Jughead's verbal reply was 'So you know who Holden Caulfield is?'.

That was what led to chocolate milkshakes and cheese burger ritulas at Pop's.It was a first. Fast foward to the present Jughead was brought back to Earth by Veronica's hysterical laughter, the boy had been so spaced out he hasn't payed attention to his burger of all things. Jughead unable to control his laughter had burst out laughing with her. The two of them had been laughing for a really long time until they had finally calmed down. However when they looked at each other again they felt a feeling that they had never thought they'd feel for one and other. It was want, passion, lust and love mixed in one. It was frightening but comforting. On the surface, it wasn't THAT wrong, both of them were young and single and shouldn't have made to much of a difference for them to confess their feelings to each other. But they both knew that their friendship was risky enough and a relationship beyond that would jeopardise too much, they knew that their feelings were bound to come in to play but for now,it was unspokingly decided that they should remain where they were.Instead of moping on the obstacles that Jughead knew they'd have to face, he simply looked at Veronica Lodge, as if for the very first time.

Jeronica Oneshot- First lookWhere stories live. Discover now