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(Val's POV)

"Honey, I'm worried about Carter. I've never seen him like this." Chloe said as she stood in front of the television as if I weren't watching it.

"Yeah I know what you mean. It's a lot on him. He got punched in the face, lost his girlfriend, put his college acceptance in danger, and went to jail all in the same day."

"You should do something." She took the remote and turned the tv off

"Why me?" I asked sitting up

"I don't know. You're good with him and Ava. So whenever something is going on with them I send you. They don't really respond to me like the twins do."

"I don't know what to tell him. There's nothing anybody can say to fix how he's feeling. Not even his stupid friend Jeffrey."

"Don't call him stupid. That's not nice." She slapped my arm

"Sweetheart, he told me that it's possible to touch the sun because all I have to do is go at night. I'm not sure how he even got to his senior year."

"Val this isn't about Jeffrey or his stupidity. I don't like seeing my son hurt."

"Me either but what can we do? He's going through something that only he can get through. I can't get them back together and I can't erase his record but I can definitely go break Phillips arm since he doesn't know to keep his hands to himself."

Chloe rolled her eyes and walked out. I sighed and went into Carter's room. He was laying on his bed with headphones in. He saw me and sat up taking them out.

"Hey curly. How are you doing?" I asked sitting on his bed

"I'm breathing so that's good."

"Okay listen, you're Mama wanted me to come in here and talk to you because she knows you're not going to open up to her."

"That's because she's always crying. She's either really mean or really emotional in situations like this. There is no in between."

I laughed but he was serious

"I know how she is but you haven't been talking to me either. What have you been thinking lately?"

"I've been thinking that Jake is definitely in love with that Harrison kid, Josh is going to give Mama an heart attack, Ava is growing up way too fast, and as much as I love you, I am tired of seeing you at school and at home."

"Carter, I meant what have you been thinking about Leah and her father. However, I back you up one hundred percent on everything you said. Especially that last one."

"Hey that's not cool when you say it but I don't know how to feel. I miss Leah and she pretty much hates me. I feel bad for punching her dad but then again he deserved it."

"Actually, She said to tell you that she still loves you and that she hopes one day all of this can be behind you guys. I think I'm missing something but you get the point."

"So I have a chance?" His eyes lit up

"Uuh yeah. I don't know how this is going to work out but yeah. As long as she's under her parents care she has to abide by their rules."

"It's not going to matter anyway. I leave for FAMU in August."

"Well what if she got into FAMU too. She's no longer interested in Julliard. She's very smart so she shouldn't have a problem getting in." We turned around to see Chloe

"Yeah that sounds right." I agreed

"Isn't this wrong? You know, going against someone's rules. Phillip clearly said he doesn't want her around me." Carter asked

Carter Dexter -The Dexter Children's Series[Lesbian stories(Kinda)]Where stories live. Discover now