11. Creative Writing

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Word count: 1583

|3 days later|

Elizabeth ended up not being able to return to see Ahkmenrah the next night which left an unsettled feeling in her stomach.

She had been called into her school to discuss her assignment, every week she would send in a draft for her final presentation.
Elizabeth had been nervous when she learned that her professor felt the need to speak face to face and not through an email. She felt uneasy as she sat on the subway, it was extremely unusual to be called in during a break.

She exited the station and walked to the building where her professor resided. As she stepped up the stairs the faint clicking of her shoes on the stone calmed her.

Elizabeth made her way through the building and then knocked on the door of her professor's office.

"Come in" a voice called from behind the thick wooden doors.
Elizabeth pushed it open and braced herself for what she imagined would be an unpleasant encounter.

She entered the room and saw her professor, Ms. Vincent, sitting behind an intimidating, large oak desk. Elizabeth was quite fond of her, but nevertheless her anxious thoughts gripped her by the neck.

"Hello miss Daley! Would your please have a seat" Ms. Vincent spoke with a welcoming smile that eased Elizabeth's nerves, at least she didn't seem mad or disappointed. 
Elizabeth smiled with a nod and quickly sat down in the old wooden chair that was in front of her, clasping her hands together and straightening her posture.

"Now I know you're wondering why I asked you here, normally I speak with students over email but I figured it would be easier if you were here. I've read all of the drafts that you sent in, they are all very well written, however I was wondering why you would choose to write about someone we know so little about, writing about pharoah Ahkmenrah?" Ms. Vincent asked.

Elizabeth thought for a moment, she hadn't anticipated this question, she had not even thought that someone would likely question how she knew so much about someone who lived over 4000 years ago, Elizabeth realized know that it didn't make much sense.

"Well" Elizabeth started, choosing her works carefully, making sure that she didn't make a fool of herself.
"I'm sure you know the Museum of Natural History here?" Causing her professor to nod.
"My uncle Larry, is the night guard there, and with that job he is allowed to occasionally bring guests in to see the museum when no one else is there"

Elizabeth wasn't sure if he actually even was allowed to bring them in, but she had to make something up.

"There is an entire exhibit dedicated to Ahkmenrah and I've always been fascinated by him... You see, my uncle is friends with some of the professors who work there and they have let me go into their archives of research, specifically on Ahkmenrah."

Elizabeth thought for a moment before continuing, Ms. Vincent didn't seem to be questioning it.

"Now with the internet being so easily accessible, you would think everyone about everyone would be on it, however I've found research on Ahkmenrah that isn't involved in the exhibit and isn't available online.
I'm taking this small amount of information that I've found and piecing together a slightly larger picture of what the life of Ahkmenrah might have been like. I'm also taking some inspiration from rulers from similar time periods and making... informed guesses.
I suppose it's a bit of creative writing."
Elizabeth finished her explanation, watching her professor's face for any  expression of doubt.

Ms. Vincent raised her eyebrows before lowering them, seemingly comfortable with the reason.
"You have quite the advantage then miss Daley, I do however advise you to be careful with your writing, it's promising and I do not want this to turn into a fairytale." She stated.
"Oh of course not, I wouldn't want it to become anything that is less than realistic" Elizabeth replied with a steady breath being released from her lungs.

The Heart Of Ahkmenrah | Rami Malekजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें