8. Night as a Normal Man

Start from the beginning

"Its a shame you hide that hair under a crown" she giggled.
"Oh Elizabeth!" he jumped, he was not wearing his robes, just a tunic around his waist.
Elizabeth turned pink and looked at the wall.

"I'm sorry, you just startled me" Ahkmenrah spoke in a calmer voice, when he realized she was was watching the wall quite intently, it most likely due to his state of undress.
"Oh, sorry about that too, there are nights were I don't have to get wrapped up again and they are rather...freeing" he mumbled, obviously slightly embarrassed, while the simple outfit wasn't unsual for him in his time, he knew people were more bashful nowadays.
"No it's fine, it's my fault for barging in here" Elizabeth chuckled.
"You hardly barged into anything Elizabeth" Ahkmenrah smiled while pulling on his robes, he went to reach for his crown when Elizabeth stopped him.
"If you don't mind, I'd like to see your hair tonight, I really like it" she grinned.
"As you wish" he smiled, it was unritualistic to not wear a pharaohs crown but Ahkmenrah knew that times had changed and he felt comfortable changing his ways for Elizabeth.

The two of them sat on the steps leading to his sarcophagus and Ahkmenrah looked at her.
"What are we working on today?" he asked.
"Well" Elizabeth started
"I was thinking, we have been doing nothing but working for the past week" She continued.
"Plus eating" Ahkmenrah added, making her laugh.
"That too" she smiled.
"I was thinking we should go out" Elizabeth grinned, Ahkmenrah looked at her with an confusion across his face.
"I know I know, it would be weird for another person to see a man dressed as an Egyptian pharaoh, even though this is New York. So I searched through all of my uncle's and Nick's clothing to find the least lame stuff they had and I found some things I think would work" She finished excitedly. Ahkmenrah smiled at her and the thought for a moment.
"Well I have only left the museum once, to help Larry catch some escaped exhibits, I rode Rexy with Nick when he was only around 7 or 8 years old"

Elizabeth laughed and then realized she was only about 9 when that happened and became suddenly more aware how of his immortality. She didn't want it to dim her excitement so she ignored it.

"Where would we go? I can't imagine much is open at this hour" he asked.
"I know a 24/7 diner, kinda like the grocery store Nick got us food from. People want food all the time" Elizabeth explained.
"Well then I guess it would be my pleasure to go out into the world with you" Ahkmenrah smiled at her, momentarily putting his hand on hers, before retracting and standing up awkwardly.
Elizabeth just giggled and grabbed his arm, pulling him to the security personnel lounge.
"Here you can come and see what you would like to wear!"
She grabbed her backpack from one of the chairs and handed it to Ahkmenrah.
He opened it and looked at what she brought him.
"Again, I'm sorry that my family has no taste, I did my best" Elizabeth mumbled slightly embarrassed by her uncle and cousin. Ahkmenrah chuckled and pull out a dark maroon t-shirt and a pair of jeans that were too big for Nick.
"Does this work?" he questioned holding them up while feeling the fabric. Elizabeth looked at the clothing and then looked at him with a grin.
"It's perfect!" she exclaimed, she then realized that she had to give him briefs so he wouldn't be uncomfortable in jeans, while she was blushing furiously she handed the fabric to him.
"They're new, I got them for you as I figured you wouldn't want Larry or Nick's" she practically whispered. He looked at them for a moment and he opened his mouth to speak before she cut him off.
"They go under your jeans, so there isn't... too much friction" Elizabeth grimaced at her words, she sounded like a thirsty 15 year old writing fan fiction.

author has a moment of realization.

Elizabeth straightened herself out and lastly grabbed a pair of shoes she figured would have fit him and left the room.
"I hope everything is okay"
He laughed while looking at everything.
"I'm not used to it in any way, but if it makes you happy I'm fine with it" he smiled at her. Elizabeth felt her cheeks somehow get even warmer and closed the door and sped away.

A few minutes later she knocked on the door and heard Ahkmenrah welcome her in. She closed the door behind her and looked at him up and down.
Ahkmenrah was looking at himself in the small mirror that was in the lounge, he brought his hand to his head and slightly ruffled his hair.
"It's very odd to see myself like this" he started
"However I don't mind it" he looked back at her. Elizabeth hurried over to him excitedly and placed her hands on his shoulders to straighten out his shirt.
"You look so good Ahk!" she squealed slightly, Elizabeth noticed that it was probably the first time that she had addressed him by his nickname and not Ahkmenrah. She liked the way his full name sounded but took pleasure in calling him Ahk.
He laughed and scanned himself one more time before turning to her.
"Should we leave now" he asked. Elizabeth barely heard him as she couldn't stop admiring him, she loved his normal gorgeous outfit but this made him feel so much.. Closer? She couldn't put words to it.
"Oh! Yes we can go now, I'm just going to grab some money from my uncle" she had her own money, but preferred to save it for school, for future investments.
Elizabeth left the room to look for him and practically skipped back to Ahkmenrah when she was ready to leave, before stopping herself in fear of looking ridiculous.
Ahkmenrah was standing by the security exit shuffling in his shoes, obviously not used to anything but sandals.
"Phew, okay let's go" Elizabeth held onto his arm and opened the door.

Hi.... I'm sorry that I haven't updated in like a month and a half, I was going to make this chapter longer bit I decided to just cut it in half to get it out.
Sorry sorry sorry
I'm so in love :)

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