Chapter 7: Training

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Sabbath Caddel, a dynamite waiting to ignite. Usually quiet, not a team player, but once angered nothing can stop that kid.

Chunks of false skin went flying in the air, the blades sliding through the training titan's neck. One of the blades spun in their hand, their body twisting as they sliced at another titan's neck.

For not being a team player, there's been three always around them.

They landed on the branch, scanning around the forest. Reiner, Sasha, and Annie landed on different branches of the tree. Sasha laughed, swinging around to hug Sabbath. The red eyed cadet not moving as Sasha crashed in their back, seeming unaffected from the brunette. "So, how many have you got so far Sabbath?"

Reiner asked, looking down from the branch he was on. Annie brushed some of the bangs out of her eyes, "More than you, I bet."

"I don't know, I've got a lot." He grinned, leaning against the tree. Out of the corner of their eye, they saw Armin flying past and narrowing their eyes. Armin has still been trying to cling onto them, trying to make them as Stella 2.0. Seeing Sabbath as a replacement of the sister he lost, but they wanted nothing to do with him.

"Let's finish our job. We've got titans to kill."

"Come on, you know these fakes aren't any fun." Reiner said with an eye roll, Sabbath dropping their dull blades to the ground and changing it with the sharper ones. Jumping off of the branch; hooks shooting out.


Sabbath ripped off some of the bread, tossing it to Sasha. Reiner was laying back against a box, arms behind his head. They were eating their food outside, Sabbath sharing some with Sasha since they didn't feel as hungry as the rest.

"So, you gonna talk about what happened?" Annie asked, staring at Sabbath who had dried blood on their lips and chin. Red eyes glanced up at the blonde before glancing back down at their food; giving a small shrug. "Seriously Sabbath? You went face first into one of those titans, do you realize how bad that was??"

"Like hell man... Do ya even feel pain?" Reiner asked, Sabbath thought about it before shaking their head. Annie glanced back at noticing that, knowing exactly that made sense at remembering the combat fight she had with them.

Footsteps approached the group, red eyes were the first ones glance over at the approaching visitor. Their eyes narrowed, seeing the scouts commander walking up to the small group. "Sabbath, can I talk to you?"

Erwin asked; Annie glancing over at Sabbath who looked annoyed. Wanting to ignore himself. But Sabbath knew they couldn't... They let out a sigh, tossing the bread over to Sasha as they got up from where they were sitting. Reiner was standing up after Sabbath, looking at the scouts commander. "What do you want with Sabbath?"

"Are you these your friends?" Erwin asked while Sabbath glanced back at the group they've aligned them self with. Their head tilt softly, thinking about it before glancing back at Erwin. "That's none of your business."

"I think it is, you're wanting to take a cadet out alone? That's suspicious. Who knows what you're planning." Reiner said with crossing his arms, Annie smirking from where she was sitting and Sasha glanced over. Erwin sighed, not wanting to argue with other people who argue against him- only preparing himself for Sabbath. "I'm just here to congratulate Sabbath on a good job out there."

"You're watching cadets? Or is it just Sabbath?" Sabbath could stand back, letting Reiner take over this battle for them. How intriguing. I wonder how much he would do...

Sabbath thought, something beginning to change in their thinking. They could get things done, without having to actually do anything. "You seem to ask a lot a questions, you're curious-"

"No, I'm suspicious of you. It's weird, keeping an eye on a certain cadet. Who knows what you're playing at?" He narrowed his eye at him, standing straighter. "All I am is keeping an eye-"

"On Sabbath, yes. You've made that well aware."

"Sabbath, keep in mind of what I've asked. The scouts could really use someone like you." Erwin said while glancing over at Sabbath as Annie's eyes widened. She didn't want Sabbath to join the scouts, standing up and immediately twisting Erwin's words, "What you've asked of them? Are you insane? How disgusting could you be to ask anything of them?"

His eyes widened, clicking what she meant and immediately tried to backtrack what he was saying. Even glancing at Sabbath for some help, trying to see if they would defend him. But they only looked away.

What is wrong with her...? Erwin wondered, his eyes wide and feeling disgusted as he looked at the group. Feeling disgusted of what they were suggested and quickly turned to leave. "I hope ya make the right choice Sabbath."

"Don't worry about him." Reiner said as they all watched him walk away. Sasha didn't know what was going on, sitting there while tilting her head while Reiner and Annie were on guard. Sabbath didn't know why those two seemed so agitated with Erwin's presence, but they didn't care to ask. They were going to use that their advantage.

"You alright there Sabbath? He hasn't done anything weird to you in the past yet; right?" Reiner checked in on them, Sabbath's red eyes glancing to stare at him. "No, he hasn't. He's just been annoying."

"What does he even want?"

"Me to join the scouts." They both watched Sabbath, wondering what more was going on. There's never been a reason that a commander would be close to stalking a cadet just because of recruitment.



"Mikasa." Red eyes narrowed at her standing in front of them. They really didn't want to deal with her right now... Or ever really, she always annoyed them. Sabbath never really understood how she could keep chasing after Eren, never understood her and her love she holds so dear.

"You wanna talk about what the hell what's been going on with you?"

"No." Sabbath shut it down, moving to walk around Mikasa when she grabbed their arm. Annie snatching Mikasa's wrist with a tight grip. "What do you think you're doing Mikasa? Let go of them."

"I was talking to her not you, Annie." Mikasa commented, Annie tightened her grip on Mikasa's wrist. Sabbath swatted Mikasa's hand off, walking to their bunk to lay on. "Annie, don't worry about it."

Annie gave one last look to her before letting off Mikasa's arm, Mikasa narrowing her eyes. Wondering when Annie became Sabbath's dog. Annie walked over to Sabbath's bunk and sat on the edge of it. "You good?"

"Yea, just tired of idiots." Sabbath responded, Mikasa tightened her fist in annoyance. When she turned to leave, Sasha entered the cabin with snacks with she smuggled. Mikasa almost bumped into her, just barely avoiding her.

"Shadis is gonna run most of them into the ground." Annie commented as Sabbath hummed while tilting their head- staring at the bottom of the bunk above them. "Mm, and we'll dig their graves."

Annie chuckled as Sasha sat on the edge of the bed, putting the smuggled snacks on the bed. Sabbath glanced down at the snacks, not surprised that she smuggled food. "We can't keep sticking up for ya when Shadis wonders where food is going."

Annie commented as Sabbath leaned over, grabbing a little snack to eat. Sasha grinned, kicking her legs happily. "But you're my friiiiiiends!"

She smiled, Sabbath humming while glancing at her. Seeing her so content with her snacks she stole, happily munching on them. It would be annoying if Shadis got her in trouble...

They hummed, closing their eyes. Arms crossed behind their head, relaxing their body as they fell into a light sleep. Able to hear anything still, but trying to rest just enough. They didn't want to experience nightmares- they didn't want to dream.

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