rules + form

502 30 57

[!] just some side notes: I get all my pictures from pinterest. i also have a thing with lowercase. i am not uneducated and don't worry, all the necessary words will be capitalized on your covers. i promise :) rule 7 & 11 are the most important.

1° i might not make the covers in the 'first come first serve' order. depending on what they are i might do it in the order of how motivated i am to make them. 

2° i don't exactly have a set wait time. sometimes i'll finish them the day of and sometimes i'll finish them a week later. this probably isn't ideal but sometimes my motivation levels are wack and i apologize. 

3° your story doesn't have to be published. (it would be nice if it was but it doesn't have to be.)

4° if there is a cover i already made that you like, please give me the title of the book it was for and what # of cover it was. also, go check the gallery for ideas too

5° i cannot read your mind. (on that note, i offer redo's.)

6° you can either screenshot the cover or pm me your email.

all i ask is that you give me credit in the description. and vote, please vote. and maybe follow me but that's up to you. i also ask that you use my cover for at least 3 days. i do spend a lot of time making them and if there is something you don't like i can always fix it.

8° i really feel like this needs to be clear, i do not like face claims. it makes my job so much harder and will probably take me forever to make it because i won't be motivated. however, if it is someone well known and only one person i might be able to do it. 

9° just to make it clear i do not use photoshop so i only use already made pictures, i have to find pictures that match up with what you want so please don't ask for photoshop things thanks :)

10° i will make 2-3 covers. it really varies from person to person. some might also get an extra that has nothing to do with what they requested but i liked it so i threw it in there.

11° please message me the following





Font style preferred:

Picture suggestion/idea:

Something you DO NOT want on the cover:

Anything else I should know:

a/n i hope to help close the circle that completes your perfect book :)

-the word dealer

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