Chapter Two: Khan

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After the whole Oz incident, I went on to sue Atlas for the damages they caused. In fact, I sued them for enough money to fund a cure for the virus! I gave the money to Sentinel to work on a cure, but even after all of their attempts, they got nowhere. From what I've heard from Decker, he has his own strain of the virus. The virus causes his eyes to glow and light up, just like those undead freak shows we had to fight a while ago. Well he's the lucky one. I too have a strain of the virus, but for me, it mutates my cells into a decomposed state, making me look like one of the undead. But from what I hear, Lilith has it the worst. Anyways, I've been living it up quite nicely with suing Atlas, and my new job at Sentinel. I have my own bachelor pad, complete with a massive pool, wine cellar, dance floor, and even three cars. Life is good. I'm just hoping Sentinel finds a cure for the Zombie virus. Speaking of, today I got a message from Decker himself asking to meet up at the Atlas Corp. building. The one where the outbreak began, and we all found each other. So I messaged him back telling him I'd be there shortly, in about a weeks time. So I bought a helicopter (yes I'm fucking rich now) and flew over there ASAP. When I got there, I was absolutely horrified at what I saw. The entire Atlas building was unscathed. As if no outbreak ever occurred. The building was supposedly abandoned after the outbreak, but how is it in the condition it is in now if it was? I looked towards the doors, and Decker was here too. He looked at me with the same expression I had on my face. We were both astounded. Atlas was back. As we approached each other, we looked and saw that we were both turning from our regular human like states, into the "zombified" state. Decker has his glowing eyes, and my whole body turned into a scrotum. "Someone's in good shape" I said to Decker, his eyes slightly illuminating the area around us. "And you look like a mother-fucking raisin" Decker said back. "How have you been able to live with yourself like this?" I got a little pissed when he asked me that, as though it were my fault. "Hey, it's not my fault I look like a fucking testicle sack half the time." Decker smiled and replied "Sorry, sorry. I was just yanking your chain." I looked at him, irritated, and turned back to the "abandoned" Atlas building. "So..." Decker said to me. "Go in guns blazing?" I laughed, although I was still a little pissed, but I told him no. He told me that no one was in there anyways, and that he checked the place out before I got here. I said that we should wait until Lilith arrives to take any further course of action.

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