One more night

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Chapter Four: One more night

"You and I go hard at each other like we're going to war. You and I go rough, we keep throwing things and slamming the door. You and I get so damn dysfunctional, we stopped keeping score. You and I get sick, yeah, I know that we can't do this no more..."

Jackson collapsed beside April and panted heavily; "That was-great. It's still great"

"Yeah-that was-" April said breathlessly.

Jackson turned to his side and propped himself by the elbow; he studied April's face carefully and cleared his throat. "You okay?" he asked with worry.

April took deep calming breaths before turning her head towards Jackson; "Yeah—I'm good" she replied. She then shifted her head back to its original perch before groaning loudly; "We did it again"

"Err—yeah, we did"

April sat up from the cot and began rubbing her face furiously.

Jackson sat up too and tugged her hands away from her face; "Stop that."

April let her hands fall limp to her lap; she then turned her face towards Jackson and pursed her lips. "I thought last time was the last time?"

Jackson thought for a moment before responding; "No, this is the last last time" he said.

April rolled her eyes; she scooted towards the edge of the bed and planted her feet on the ground. She bends forward and began fishing out her undergarments that's scattered around the floor.

Jackson followed April's lead and began dressing himself as well.

April tugged her panties and pants up before standing up; she turned her back to Jackson as she puts her brassier back on. She pulled her scrubs top from the top bunk and turned towards him; "How did it get up there?" she asked incredulously.

Jackson finished tying his shoes and stood up from his perch; "We seem to throw a lot of things when we're both in the mood" he said.

"Oh, really?" April asked as her cheeks started to flush.

Jackson paused and grinned; "Yeah" he replied.

April cleared her throat and began shrugging her scrub top on; "That was the last time, we can't do this anymore" she whispered.

Jackson shifted closer to April and stood right in front of her; "No—no we won't, because this is the last time—ever."

April met Jackson's gaze and felt her heart thumping wildly inside her chest; her eyes strayed towards his lips and almost instantly she felt the familiar stirring inside her belly.

Jackson felt the pull as well so he shifted even closer to April; he licked his lips suggestively and began leaning forward. He was almost there when his pager went off, jarring him out of his lustful thoughts. "I'm gonna get this page and get some coffee" he blurted out.

"I'm gonna go pray" April replied.

Jackson nodded in agreement; "Cool" he said before scurrying towards the door, April following not far behind.


April stared at the screen right in front of her; "I still don't understand what it is I'm looking at" she said while trying her best to figure out what's being displayed.

Catherine Avery turned towards her son's best friend; "Those are testicles Dr. Kepner" she explained.

April's mouth hangs open as her eyes widen in shock.

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