Forest Hill

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“Seth...Seth...” She slowly and weakly cried.

She was in my arms, blood was everywhere.  I could smell the gasoline.  I looked around trying to take it all in.  I saw that she was crying.  I felt as if I should have been the one who was on the ground dying.  I can't lose her, I can't.  I looked down and stared into her eyes and saw the last bit of life she had left drain out.  She's gone, I kept telling myself, but I can't make myself believe what just happened.  All of a sudden her body went limp.

“I love you, forever and always.” I whispered into her ears while I began to stand up.  As I stood up I watched every last piece of her bloodstained blonde hair fall out of my hand,

“Seth... Seth Salvador!!” Mr. Smallwood, my history teacher yelled.

I jumped up and searched around the room.  Mr. Smallwood was sitting at his desk, scowling at me.

“So, Mr. Salvador. I'll make it easy on you, since you were sleeping in my class, yet again. If you can tell me one thing that happened during the French Revolution, I won't assign you a detention.  Just one simple fact about the French Revolution, okay?  It's not that hard, is it?” Mr. Smallwood says a little bit too sarcastically.  

“Yes, Mr. Smallwood.” I said, mocking his tone.

“You have a total of two minutes to think of something without no help! Starting now!” Mr. Smallwood retorted back at me.

I couldn't help, but think about how much I dislike that he tries to make a fool of his students, but ironically he's just making a fool of himself.  I silently laugh to myself while thinking; he must just be out to get me!  I had heard some girl say that earlier in my trigonometry class.  I look up just in time to see the clock's minute struck, signaling that not only is class out, but that school is over!  About three seconds later the bell goes off.  I smile to myself as I snatch my bag and follow the rest of my history class peers out of the classroom doors.  

I walk out of the school and take a deep breath, knowing that tomorrow Mr. Smallwood is going to be all over me.  I sit down on the steps that lead to and from the school and watch the rest of the high school students run to their cars, buses or start their journey home.  After almost everybody is gone I close my eyes and try to remember what my dream that I had in history class was about.  I can't remember, so I stood up without opening my eyes and start to walk having no clue where my feet are taking me, but somewhere in the back of my mind I know where I am headed as if I have walked the same path a million times.  

“Seth! Wait up! Seth!!” One of my only friends, since the accident happened, Karotane yells.

I open my eyes and stop walking.  When Karotane gets to me she's panting.

“Where are you headed?”  Karotane says out of breath.

“I'm not really sure. Just walking without a destination, I guess.” I say, happy that I have someone who still likes me.

“Cool, do you mind if I tag along?” Karotane asks.

“No, I would never let you come with me.” I say trying to keep a straight face.

“You are kidding right?” Karotane says with a confused look on her face.

“Of course you can! You don't really think that I would ever say no to you do you?” I say laughing.

“Good, because if you said no, I was going to have to smack some sense into you! And of course I do, I think one day you will get sick of me.” Karotane giggles.

  “Really? I don't think you would and are you kidding me?  I would never get sick of you! You are my closest friend.” I say and look at her in the eyes.  Karotane smiles slightly at me and then we both look ahead.  

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