4 //wow👌\\

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Ok, yeah i know the song is old but i like it and i put my playlist on shuffle and this was the first song to come up so yeah...

Ashers POV:

OMG, I just did that.... and they let me.... AND THEY KNEW I WAS DOING THEM BOTH! Woah.

I just walked to my next class. Science. Great. I looked around the room to see any familiar faces. I saw Jordan at the back on her phone. Awesome.

Jordans POV

Annabel texted me.

Annabel💖😂: OMG JORDAN! You have such great taste in friends xD

Jordan🔥😂: IKR? But, you wanna hang tonight?

Annabel💖😂: possibly....

Jordan🔥😂: I'll invite asher?

Annabel💖😂: i'll be there!

I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Hey Jordan!" I looked over and saw Asher was the one who said that.

"Heyo, I have a question."


"You wanna hang at my house tonight? Annabel will be there and my parents won't be there."

Asher's eyes brightened. "I'd love to!" he said cheerily.

"Cool," I said, trying to keep my cool seeing those dimples.

Asher's POV

Great, maybe I'll finally be able to lose my virginity! It shouldn't be so hard... I've watched a bunch of porn so I know what I'm doing!

Asher Angel x JordanWhere stories live. Discover now