It's About Time

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It's About Time

Zoey and Chase
Freshman Year
A night in the lounge

It was almost curfew at PCA, most of the students were already in their rooms. The lounge was cleared out, except for two freshmen, Zoey and Chase.

They were laying on the couch, his arms were wrapped around her waist. He thought she had fallen asleep, and started messing with her bracelet. It was braided leather and had a heart charm on it. He had bought it for her on her 14th birthday. He thought maybe she'd realize he loved her, but she didn't.

"Oh Zo, if only you knew." He sighed.

"If only I knew what?" She asked shifting a bit.

"I thought you were sleeping." He ignored her question.

"I've been awake, I love this episode of Degrassi." She answered.

"Good to know Zo." He sighed with relief, she forgot.

"Chase, you know we've been friends for a long time."


"And we know everything about each other, right?"

He blushed thinking of his secret crush on her, maybe not everything,

"Of course."

"I know when you're trying to hide something from me," she paused, waiting to see if he'd speak.

He didn't.

"And, I think you want to tell me, but you're afraid to."

She knows him better than he thought. Who was he kidding, she knows him better than everyone. He was about to speak when she whispered,

"Just tell me Chase."

Her hand moved to the top of his, lacing their fingers together. He sighed, he's not going to be able to get out this.

"I can't, Zoey."

She released his hand and looked up at him. His heart ached at the sudden loss of touch.

"Why not Chase? I thought you trusted me?"

The sadness was ever present in her voice and eyes.

"I do Zoey, I do trust you, more than anyone. But I just, I just don't want to ruin our friendship." He averted his eyes quickly, knowing if he looked into her's he'd crack.

"Is this something I can guess? I really want to know." She turned her face away from him, grabbing his hand again. She lightly brushed her thumb against the top of his hand. She was defiantly determined to find out.

He felt himself slipping,

"I... I'm... Uh..."

"You're what Chase?" She was still looking at the TV.

"I love you." He breathed.

Her grip on his hand tightened and released in less than a second. She wasn't moving.

"Zo? Please say someth-" he was cut off by her arms being thrown around his neck. He sat up on the couch and put his arms around her, one hand holding the back of her head.

"I... I'm ... Uh..."

"You're what Zoey?" He asked, tears forming in his eyes.

"I love you Chase."

He pulled out of the hug and looked at her, she was beautiful.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to hear that." He smiled.

She laughed and put her hand to her face.

"I probably look like a mess."

"You're so beautiful." They each whispered simultaneously.

"Oh Chase." She cried, more tears escaping her eyes.

He smiled a bit, before kissing her.

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So I wrote this a couple months ago and I have it posted on my FanFiction.Net Profile @DoYouLoveMe0. But I decided to post it here for you guys to see. This version is more edited than the other.

- Caity ♔

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2014 ⏰

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