Everyone in the group murmured to each other when the Master finished speaking. The youngling looked around the circle in confusion. He believed they were talking about him again.

"Master." another cloaked figure stepped forward and closer to the body. When he realized this, he took a step back. "Do you suggest we... reinstate this creature for a suitable punishment?"

"They do say there are worse punishments that death," a second said.

"But we've never revived a non-living form before," the first speaker remarked. "The Guardian is always alive when we perform the rituals to rejuvenate her. Now, this girl may not have been dead for long, but we all know that if a soul of a dead one somehow manages to come back into the body, it may become different--the now living person will not be the same as before."

"But if we do revive her, same or not, we can still punish her by the deeds she's done us wrong," a third chimed in. "We must avenge our fallen members."

The whole group started conversing and arguing softly on what they should do with her. Some agreed that if she were to live again, she might commit immoral deeds and it would be a waste of energy. Others, those who secretly enjoyed punishment, wished to see her in an endless torture in the worst place immaginable. The old Master stood quietly with his eyes closed and his hand outstretched from when the crystal flew into his palm.

The Master was a compassionate man who served justice for the right reasons. Although he was very bias against creatures not of his own species. Yes, this girl is already dead. Yes, it is possible to revive her for a suitable punishment.

But she was following by a corrupt captain the Master dared not speak his name or else he and his kin would  be revisited by him. Whether or not she wanted to, this girl willingly killed the Master's apprentices--many who were skilled; including his son. He also looked deep inside her and sensed a deep anguish. Death will be too kind on her in releasing her from her pain and an escape of punishment; she must suffer by her own means.

The noise grew unbearable, and the Master shouted for their attention. Once everyone grew quiet, he spoke, "Enough of this blabbering. This stone was to be taken to the Guardian. If the council learns one of us failed in our duty, all of us get punished. Do you understand? Our most experienced were killed in an unforseen battle and our ship destroyed--including my son. We have the stone now, but I suggest we let it be tested on this creature in case a dark power comes from it that could have drastically changed our Guardian with an incomprehensible solution. She worked alone on destroying our ship. She was ordered by a more corrupt man to do so. Though we cannot eliminate him, she will do. We must not punish her to suit our wants, but punish her by her species' worst pain imaginable--through the mind. To these human creatures, suffering mentally would permanently damage them in a way one cannot predict. I foresee, that shortly in the future, she will be lonesome and suffering on her own." He strode toward the body and touched her neck. He then rose. "Her soul may have left her, but with all of ours' combined, we can recover it as much we can. This poor creature doesn't deserve death yet--but someone else does. There is still time. Come forth, and let us not waste another minute as this poor creature's life gives away."

He bent down and placed his open palm with the crystal over the girl's chest and began to chant. Soon, the rest of the cloaked figures chanted alongside him. The crystal glowed fervently and hot on the Master's hand. But he did not mind.

He slowly raised his hand and the stone seemed to melt through the skin like quicksand until it disappeared entirely. Her chest glowed and then slowly, the light diminished.

They all chanted for a while longer, then, when it was over, The Master looked at the youngling who stared blankly at the body while everyone else hadeard a faint heartbeat as her blood pumped slowly through her veins. The Master placed a hand on his shoulder and caught his attention. "You are responsible for her now. You were the first to have seen her and had the ability to do what we could not have done if you had not been in the library--prevent her from stealing the crystal. You did this to her." He glanced back at the lifeless body that was being carried into a small pod. "Her life is changed forever now. But was it unjust, you might think? Think about it, who's life is more important? Our small planet who's sole existence is powered by one giant being who may fade away if we do not provide the energy for her to keep our home alive, or a mere girl who was nothing in life but a slave following her master's orders?"

The youngling nodded meekly and looked as one of his group members cleaned the dried blood from her clothing and would then stitch it together with their abilities. The color on the girl's face had returned and the cuts and bruises on her face and hands were fading away.

He imagined what a simple life she may have had, and how she genuinely like it. He imagined her being overwhelmed with the idea of being alive and then happy. He imagined her expression when she realized her second chance at life was not at all going the way she planned.

He felt something he never felt in his life while being tucked away in a marshy planet where everyone kept entirely to themselves un their own homes.

He felt pity for this young girl.

* * *

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