Chapter Two: Ireland?

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Ace's P.O.V

What the hell? Who set the fecking alarm? I look over and see it's....FOUR FREAKING AM. Then it all came back to me.

I drove home from the arena after a couple fights and shots of Jack and Root Beer to my aunt sitting in the living room watching tv. Oh great...this is going to the best day of my life! She looks at me and I see anger and disappointment in her eyes. Oh boy here we go again.
"I have dealt with your shit for five freaking years Arianna-" oh she's pissed she never uses my name unless she's really mad. Damn it Ace. "- I can't....I won't deal with it anymore. I''m sending you back to Ireland." Wait what? She's actually sending me back. I look at her and I feel my eyes harden at her words. I am originally from Ireland, but after my parents died I moved to New York with my aunt when I was twelve. I never wanted to go back to that place ever again. It reminded me too much of them.
"You know I never want to go back there. Besides that I have no one else beside you, so where am I supposed to stay huh? You want me to just live on the streets like you wanted me to from the beginning?" She looked shocked at my words. She didn't think I wouldn't find out? "You think I didn't know? You were only taking care of me for my parents money that was supposed to be mine! Fine send me back I'd rather live there suffocating with every memory of my dead parents than live with a lying thief like you" I spit my words laced with venom. She looked scared and she should be. She quickly sobered up and set a poker face on.
"You leave tomorrow for your flight at five. The school has dorms so bring all of your stuff. When you get out of school you'll be eighteen so I won't have to worry about you anymore. I'd like to say I'd miss you, but that would be a lie." With that she left the room and went into the kitchen. I can't believe I actually though someone cared about me. I walk down the hallway and feeling the sudden urge to punch something I punched the wall leaving a deep fist size hole in the wall. I go to my room and walk in slamming the door. Not really caring I just stripped to my underwear and bra and laid down falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I sigh and get up walking to the bathroom. I get into the shower turning on the water as hot as I can stand it quickly washing my hair and body then getting out. I don't bother drying my hair just sticking it in a messy bun and throwing on some ripped jeans and a Daughtry shirt. I pack the little stuff I even had in a book sack and the rest of my clothes in my suitcase. My car was already being shipped to the school in Ireland so at least she had the decency to let me keep it. I walk into the kitchen and see her drinking coffee at the kitchen island. I walk over and get apple from the bowl of fruit on the counter not bothering to talk to her. I walk to front door and go out side putting my stuff in the trunk of her car getting in the passenger seat. Soon after that she came out and got into the diver seat. Not wasting anytime we sped through the highways and interstates to the airport and before I could really get a handle of myself from everything I was already on the plane looking out the window with my earbuds in Crossfades song 'Cold' blasting out from pandora on my phone. I fall asleep not long after we took flight and dreamt of the green grassy fields and rocky beaches I would be returning to in seven hours. What did I do to have such confusing emotions in my life?
I woke up not long before the pilot announced that we would be landing in Ireland in about ten minutes. I sigh and just look out the window until we landed and everyone was getting off  grabbing their bags from the lobby. I was supposed to meet a guy named Marcus here. I wonder who he is? As if on cue a guy in a guard uniform walks up to me.
"Are you Ms. Arianna Emerson?" I nod my head and he motions towards the door and walks off. I'm guessing he wants me to follow. I catch up to him and we walk to a black SUV parked by the door. I get in while he puts my stuff in the truck and getting in himself. He drives off without another word and it stays that way until we reach a seven ft metal gate that opened up to the only way I could describe it was castle. Like some Harry Potter hogwarts castle. What the hell is this place?
"Welcome to Blackwell Academy. School for troubled and gifted teens." Marcus says for the first time since we left the airport. Ok seriously if this guy is the gate keeper and tells me some thing along the lines of "your a wizard, Arianna" I'm going to loose my shit. He pushes a button on a machine in front of the gate and a males voice comes from a speaker on the machine.
"Who's speaking?" Males voice said in a rich Ireland accent. If I didn't know Irish my self I don't think I would have been able to understand him.
"Marcus and the new student Arianna Emerson." A buzzing sound comes from the machine and the gate opens. Marcus drive down the cobblestone road and stops right by the entrance of the cast- I mean school. This is going to be interesting.
Hello readers. Sorry if this chapter is kinda rushed it was more of a filler chapter than anything. More interesting things will happen in the next chapter. Thank you for reading my book A Thousand Battles and enjoy
-Sapphire Rose

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