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"What do you want Tye?"

"Whoa hey, I was just staying hi to Bri." He said holding his hands up in defense before looking around Baron and to me, smiling. "Hey."

I looked away, uninterested in anything Tye had wanted to say to me.

"I don't care. The only thing I care about is how you got my address to send my girlfriend flowers." He said grabbing Tye by his shirt.

"Baron stop." I said to him, looking around to see everyone staring at us. He let go of Tye's shirt and jabbed a finger in his chest.

"Stay away from my girlfriend or else." He threatened before sitting down again.

"Alright." Tye smiled slyly before walking away.

"Asshole." Baron growled.

"Alright." I chuckled. "He's gone now, chill."

"I am chill. I am." He said.

"You sound it." I rolled my eyes.

"Bri I was ju-."

"Baron." I said cutting him off. "Drop it."

"I-." He began before cutting himself off as I rolled my eyes. "I was going to say I love you but if you're going to be like that.... I just won't say anything at all."

"What is with you?"


"Why are you so jealous?"


"And of all people, you're jealous of Tye Dillinger? That's ridiculous."

"Me? Jealous of Tye? As if-."

"Yeah. And Dol-."

"Dolph is different than Tye."

"Tye is a nobody to me. And Dolph is just my fr-."

"I don't care if you're friends, he wants to be more and doesn't get the hint that you don't!" He said raising his voice.

"If you could just stop paying attention to all the guys around me and pay more attention to me, maybe I'd be happier in this relationship!" I yelled, gaining the attention of many people in the restaurant. Many people had grabbed their phones and were recording the argument between Baron and I.

"W-what?" He stuttered.

"Forget it. I'm going back to the hotel." I said standing up from my seat and walking toward the door.

"But I drove here." He said as I walked out of the restaurant.

I began to walk down the road the way we came before a car pulled to the side of the road next to me. It drove slowly beside me as I walked and the person in it rolled the window down.

"Hey little lady, I seem to be lost. Can I have the directions to your heart?"

"Haha Dolph." I said looking his way before crossing my arms across my chest.

"Hey Sami." I bent down to wave at Sami as he drove slowly on the empty street.

"Heya." He waved back as the dark tinted back window rolled down as well.

"Hey I'm here too." Kevin said waving. I waved back to him before looking at Dolph again

"What're you doing walking alone?"

Fray // Baron Corbin (COMPLETED)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin