Chapter 2 -- Fight!

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Tris POV

Today is the first day of initiation. I can tell Tobias is stressed. He is worried about Grace. Whatever, the first day is always the most dramatic. I walk down the hallway with Tobias to the training room. 

He smiles, "The chaos and drama start now." He opens the door.

Apparently the chaos had already begun. We walked in to a circle of initiates cheering "Fight!"

Pushed our way through the crowd to see Grace, beating the crap out of some other initiate. The poor kid had a bloody nose and a black eye. Tobias pulled Grace away, kicking and screaming, while I helped the bloody boy on the floor. 

"Grace!" Tobias shouted, "What was that all about."

"He called my father a dirty stiff."

"So you broke his nose!" I but in. Just our luck, the demon had smelled blood. Eric walks into the room with a sour expression.

"Who did this?" he points to the boy hobbling out with the help of another initiate.

"Me." Grace says. Bold.

"Everyone, come this way." Eric walks out, and the initiates follow him. I shoot Tobias a nervous glance. This is not going to end well.

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