Teen Titans Season Six Episode 8: "Blackmail Pt. I"

Start from the beginning

“Meet my sister, Rose.” Ravager said. Rose smiled and moved beside Ravager.

“Hi Starfire, I believe you will be a great asset to us, that if, if you cooperate.” Rose stated.  

“What do you mean? I cannot help you, I will not help you because you both are evil and will ruin others lives for your own personal gain!” Starfire cried.  

“Oh, but you will Starfire,” Ravager started to pace once again. “You are very powerful Starfire, I do not even think you realize how powerful you really are. You never use even a fraction of your power when you are in battle, but I knew you can accomplish more. I know about your past,” Starfire fidgeted nervously. “You overcame that,  you have strength, both physically and mentally. But you lack EMOTIONAL strength.  You are the weakest emotionally out of all the Titans.  And that is how all the pieces add up, I knew that you were the one that we could use.”

“If you think that you can get me to comply with your wishes you are very incorrect!” She remarked. Rose and Ravager chuckled.  

“Starfire, don’t be so sure.  You will comply.  Why? Because we have the powerful tool that our father loved you use, blackmail. So, if you are stupid and decide not to do what we ask, or if you attack us,  we have two surprises for you.” Ravager walked over to a side of the room that Starfire could not see.  He turned on the light in that area and before him was a huge object covered by a thin white sheet.  He ripped the sheet off the object, revealing a glittering, gray giant missile underneath.

“Surprise number one, a missile to your beloved Tamaran.  It will get there in less than five minutes and can destroy everything in its path within a 10,000 mile radius, in five seconds. Oh wait, that is how big Tamaran is.” He mused and walked back over towards the Tamaranian Princess, who looked like she wanted to disappear.  

“And don’t forget lovely surprise number two!” Rose handed him a clear glass box with four vials in them, colored blue, red, violet, pink and green. “I ran an analysis on all of you Titans, taking in consideration your background, age, species, gender, etc. And I developed a perfect weakness serum that can easily destroy you.  Of course, I wanted to wait and save them because you all might be useful to me.” Ravager held up the pink one.  

“This one is yours but we will not need this one,” He gave it to Rose for her to store in a containment unit. She walked off as Ravager inched closer to Starfire.

“It will not be difficult to give this to your friends, and I will have a special seat for you to watch.  Also, I have taken the liberty to, if necessary, to bring someone you hold dear to you here.” Ravager lifted her chin and stared into her bright emerald eyes. “And you will watch Robin suffer!” He smiled and stood up as Rose came back into the room.

“So, now that I have explained what could happen with one of your choices, what will you choose to do?” Ravager asked a trembling Starfire. She stared at the floor, silent.

“I would make a decision fast, my brother hates to wait.” Rose mentioned.

“I- I will do whatever you ask.” Starfire whispered. Rose and Ravager smiled.

“Excellent.” Ravager stated and walked over to unlock her handcuffs.

“Remember what I said sweet dearie.” He whispered in her ear as he removed the handcuffs and allowed her to stand.  Starfire rubbed her wrists and rose off the ground.  Rose disappeared once again but returned in a matter of seconds. She had black, silver and orange clothing in her hands.

“As our new employee, you are required to wear our uniform, at all times.” Rose told her and gave her the clothes. Starfire reluctantly took them and stared at her new uniform, just thinking, telling herself that this is to save lots of lives.  

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