Lovey-Dovey Prattles of an Underground Doctor, IV

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April 30th

Celty is as cute as ever today. But that goes without saying. 

We're already one month into the spring of the new year, and Celty's cuteness hasn't changed a bit.

I know Celty will be just as cute till the very end of the world, when I will have already died and become ashes. That's what you call the unchanging fact, I suppose.

I've been keeping this diary for about half a year. Now that I've reread it, I realized that this is already my 20th entry on the same theme.

But that's just how cute Celty is.


That alone will be reason enough for me to write: "It's been a good day."

Speaking of which, when did I fall in love with Celty?

I came to understand that what I felt was love sometime during middle school or high school.

If youth is the name of the time when one is in love, then my youth will always be "now", this very moment.

Right, I wonder how the kids nowadays spend the time of their youth.

I miss my days at Raira Academy*. Alas, those were definitely not the most peaceful days ever. The ones I used to hang out with fought each other all the time. 

* Raira Academy: when Shinra attended the school it should have been called Raijin High School; it's unclear whether this is a typo on Narita's part or intentional. 

I wasn't good at fighting so I never participated. Not that my participation was in any way necessary, though.

Celty knows some Raira kids.

They've been to our home a few times. I've been talking with them, and for better or worse they were not like the average kind of children nowadays. More suited for the future in some aspects, I'd say.

But then they're not ordinary kids to begin with if they're still willing to be Celty's friends even when they know what she really is.

Of course, I can stay by Celty's side forever because I know best of all people just how cute she is. 

The world should be more willing to look at her adorable side.

That way it will fall in love with her.

Dullahans are not monsters. They're fairies.

And Celty is an especially cute fairy, too. How awesome is that?

Even though personally I would be dying to tell everyone in the world just how attractive Celty is, I know I'd better not tell them everything.

If everyone sees Celty's feminine charm, I'll have to deal with tens of thousands of love rivals.

Speaking of which, I wonder how things are between Mikado-kun and Anri-chan, who have both been to our home.

I thought they were boyfriends and girlfriends, but they were kind of lukewarm towards each other - or at least far from lovey-dovey.

I feel like they're something more than friends, but not yet lovers.

There's too much formality between them for them to have been childhood friends. But it doesn't look like they're just friends either.

I think one is about to confess to another.

As long as they do what they like, it's fine.

Their lifestyle is way healthier than ours when we were in high school.

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