Hamster Ball

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A/n I'm so so so so sorry that this took so long to update. I have just been so busy, from school and the lacrosse that I help coach, I've just been busy; but lucky the lacrosse season is almost over so hopefully I will bee able to write more. Also sorry about the rant last chapter I was a bit made about the website shut down anyways, all rights go to the creators of Jurassic World and I only own my characters which are Jordanna, Jaycee, Stella and Ashly. Enjoy



Jordanna POV:

I turn out Gary and Zach were both going to the same place that we were so we stood in line together. "Did you know the soft tissue is preserved because the iron in the dinosaur's blood generates free radicals, and those are highly reactive. " Gary told us which has mine and Stella full attention "So that means the protons and the cell membranes get all mixed up, and act as a natural preservative," Stella says understanding more than me of what Gary is saying. "So DNA can survive millennia that way," Gary told us as he looked between the three of us "See, now, even if the amber mines dry up they'll still have bones..." "Shut up," Zach said cutting Gary off of his sentence. I looked up to see Zach staring at a group of girls. Gary looking in the direction that Zach was staring and asked: "What do you think gonna happen, from you just staring at them?" This caused me to also busted out laughing and Gary said it pretty loud, loud enough for the group of girls to hear and laugh "Thanks, man." Zach said as in Gary was his wingman "You're welcome." Gary said back with a smile.   

Right before it was Zach and Gary's turn to go on the hamster ball, Gary turns towards the guy working and asked him "Hey is there any way that four of us can go at once?" The guy looked at Gary for a minute and nodded his head yes, while he was clicking a few buttons. I turned to Gary "You didn't have to do that, Stella and I could've have gone on our own." I told him "But that's no fun if we go separately." Gary told me causing me to smile "Okay bud." I told him. When I looked up and turned to Zach I saw him talking to Stella.  

Stella POV:

I stood next to Zach as my sister and Gary were talking, I looked up at Zach to see him starting straight at my sister. "Do you have feelings towards my sister?" I asked him, this caused him to snap out of his daze and look down at me. "What?" he askeds confused. "I asked if you have feelings towards my sister?". This one question had caused him to start blushing and stuttering "N-No." he repiled "I don't believe you." I told him as the four seater hamster ball rolled in front of us. We all got in with Jordanna and I in back and Gary in front of me and Zach in front of Jordanna. " Enjoy the ride." We could hear the guy say from the control panel as the hamsterball started to move. Once we were way from the starting gate in front of us on the small TV Jimmy Fallon was on to tell us what the gyrosphere does and also the do's and don'ts while in the gyrosphere. "Where are they?" both Gary and I asked as the same time while looking around the grassy field. "Oh man." Zach said as we turn the conor around bushes to see a bunch of dinosaurs. It was a sight to see as we contuined moving through, we were enjoying the sight when we got a message on the screen with Jimmy Falon in the background messing up and a voice that saids "Due to technical difficulties all our exhbits are now close. Please disembark all rides and return to the resort." I looked not wanting the ride to be over yet  "You know we could probalby stay out a couple of more minutes." Jordanna said which caused me to look up at her "But they said it's closed Jordanna." I told her with Gary nodding his head in agreement. "Aunt Clair gave us special wrist bands, right? We're VIP dude and their cousin works here." Zach told us"Yeah what are they gonna do, we not gonna get in trouble we kids after all." Jordanna said  with a smile "Come on. It'll be fun." Zach said with a smile and started the moveing the hamster ball faster causing us to go with a stamped of all the dinosaurs in the grass field W

Jaycee POV:

I in the hallway next the lab as Owen talked to a secuirty guard as he was trying to talk to the head scienties. I had my phone out trying to call Jrodanna and Stella, I had my phone to my ear as it ringed "Hello." I heard from the other line "Thank god Jordanna where are you and Stella." I said into the phone. "We're in a hamster ball with Clair's newphews, but I can't hear you " I heard her say "Okay, Jordanna you need to come back to the park and go the T-Rex encloser and meet Ashly." I told her through the phone "Hey Jay I can't really hear you." Jordanna said "Jordanna listen to me." I said "I can't." she said then the line went dead. "God damn it." I said as I put my phone back in my back pocket. 

Jordanna POV:

Zach stopped the hamster ball at the edge of the feild near a fence that was broken and lead into the forest. "What happened here?" Zach asked as we starting into the forest. "Dude. Off-road." I said leaning forward inbetween the boys. "Yes." Zach said with a smile "But they told us ot go back ." Gary said unsure "I'm just worried you're not getting the full Jurassic World experience. " Zach said I then leaned forward and looked at Gary and put my finger to my mouth and said "shhhhh." as Zach moved us forward in the forest out of the open field. I

Jaycee POV:

I was walking through the halls with Owen to get out of the building and find my cousins when we got a call from Clair asking to meet in the Innovation Center. "Clair!" Owen calledas she walked over to us  "I need you. I need your help." she said to us "Okay." I said a little to confused "My newphews, they are out in the valley. Please if anything happens ot them.." Clair started to say when Owen pulled both of us over to the side "How old?" Owen asked her  "The older one, high school age. The younger one, he's... ums. He's a few years..." Clair started to say causing me to roll my eyes, she doesn't know her newphews ages. "You don't know how old you newphews are?" Owen asked "They are Jordanna and Stella's age and my cousins are with you newphews." I told both Owen and Clair who looked at me.   

Stella POV:

"No, no, no, bad, bad, bad idea." I said as we contuined on through the forest. "Great idea." Jordanna said with a smile "Jordanna mom and dad will freak and we'll get arrested." I told her "Yeah, they'll shave our head, and we're gonna have to make root beer in the toilet." Gary told us "what are yo talking about?" Zach asked him. Zach then stopped us in front of four dinosaurs "There you see. I told you!" Zach said to his brother "You're welcome. Up close and personal with four dinosauruses." "Ankylosaurus." Gary and I said at the same time "We shouldn't be here. And there's five dinosaurs." Gary said "No, Gary there's only four." Jordanna said to him "Look, one, two, three, four." she said while pointing at each one of the Ankylosaurus expect the one behind us " five." I said once she was done and pointed at the last one where all we could see are teeth. We could see it rise up from behind us as it let out a low growl causing all of us to turn around to see this giant dinosaur"Shite." Zach and Jordanna say at the same time "Go, Go, GO!" Gary and I said at the same time. The dinosaur came running up behind us and kicked the hamsterball as we were trying to move the hamsterball. The kick send us spinning as we ran into the Ankylosaurs. "Hold on." I heard Jordanna say I grabbed onto Jordanna. We stopped spinning as the Ankylosaurs and the other dinosaur locked down into battle. "Zach! Drive." Jordanna yelled at him. Zach went straight and right into the Ankylosurs tail causing us to go spinning again and run up a tree and flip upside down. Zach tried to get the the hamster ball to move, the two dinsoaur  enage in battle, which end with the Ankylosur losing and get flipped over "Gary, Stella turn away." Jordanna told us which we listen and turned away and closed our eyes as a snap was heard.  "We're safe in here right?" Gary asked us "Yeah. They're totally safe." Zach told us. Just then we heard vibrating, I looked down to see both Zach's and Jordannas phone with a picutre of Claire and Jaycee showing that they are calling, both Zach and Jrodanna reach down to try and grab their phones. I then look up to see the eye of the dinosaur staring at us "Zach." "Jordanna." both  Gary and I say "I almost got it." Zach said "I'm to short." Jordanna said and gives up, but looks up "Zach look." Jordanna said which causes Zach to look up and see the eye.   


A/N thank you for waiting for the update that took forever. 


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