Chapter 2 - Mortification and Worry

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Last Time...

A few seconds passed and the door opened and shut again. Harry sat petrified.

"Hello, Potter," sneered Draco Malfoy.

The blond boy examined the cowering Harry as the carriage began moving with a jolt of activity.

"I know your secret, Potter," he announced smugly. "I know - " He grabbed Harry's chin roughly, digging in with his long manicured nails. "- what happened to you over the summer and I know - " Harry's cheeks bled from the pressure the other boy was exerting. " - that you can be no hero now. The Golden Boy is no more; replaced by a sniveling eager-to-please whore. And you can't fight back." He drew back his other hand and punched the dark-haired boy. The force of the blow toppled Harry off his seat and ripped his face from Malfoy's grip; the force of the removal of his tight grasp rent several deep gashes across his face and Harry lay where he had fallen, gazing up at Draco in horror.

"So what's the use of Golden Boy now?" He kicked Harry harshly, aiming for the kidneys. The crumpled teen let out a shriek of pain and curled up; trying to avoid blows, taunts and intimidating smells alike. "How does it feel to be a submissive, Potter? Bet it hurts your precious little ego. Now you get to be the lowest of the low, beneath everything and everybody! And only if you're lucky will you get a good mate. That is to say, if someone who hates you doesn't bond you first. I think I might enjoy that, submissive. What are your thoughts on it?"

A very relaxed Draco Malfoy got out of his carriage in time to join his friends at Slytherin table, Crabbe and Goyle behind him as always.

"I can't believe they argued all the way from the stations, into the castle, through the Entrance Hall, and into the Great Hall!" hissed Neville, who had grown surprisingly attractive and tall over the summer break. Many of the students collectively rolled their eyes at the arguing duo.

"When are they gonna get a clue?" asked Dean. "They're almost past my betting day."

"You bet on it?" whispered Ginny, choking with silent laughter. "Ooh, they are so gonna kill you!" The bettor peered at Hermione and edged away slightly, taking Ron's little sister at her word. She just laughed; breathless when Ron finally turned and asked what was so funny. Ginny shook her head ruefully, letting Ron shrug and quiet down to watch the new first years enter to encounter the Sorting Hat.

"Hey, where's Harry?" murmured Hermione, now that her argument was over.

"I don't know. Didn't he get in the carriage with you?" asked Seamus.

"No! We told him to go away while we were arguing and he did. Where is he?" asked Ron, now fully worried.

"I can't believe we let him out of our sight!" moaned Hermione. "Especially with that going on. He can't protect himself the way he is now!"

"With what going on?"

"Nothing," said Ron hurriedly. "Just something Harry told us..." When the Sorting was over and the feast was over and there was still no sign of Harry, Ron took advantage of his Prefect badge and led the new first years to the Tower at a run.

Harry wasn't in the dorms, and worry changed to full-blown panic.

"Professor! Professor Dumbledore! Please! We need to see Professor Dumbledore!" Hermione was shrieking as she skidded down stairs, through corridors, and around teachers and students. Stares and whispers came to life in her wake as prim and proper Hermione Granger screamed for the Headmaster, abandoning protocol and apologies. Ronald Weasley was right behind her.

"Professor!" Dumbledore appeared quickly.

"Yes?" he asked, smiling slightly at the out of breath teens.

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