A Weapon of Mass Destruction

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We're loaded into an SUV they put the Cat Prince in front of Steve, who is in front of me, with Sam behind me. Blood still ran down my face and dirt was still burning in my stitches.

"So, you like cats?" Sam says

"Sam." Steve starts

"What? Dude shows up dressed like a cat and you don't wanna know more?" Sam asks

"Your suit... it's Vibranium. With woven in accents of titanium to make it more wearable...but its old...10 years old...made in case your father..." I hissed through the stinging of the infection surely growing in my forehead. "Made when you were 30"

"The Black Panther has been the protector of Wakanda for generations. A mantle, passed from warrior to warrior. And now, because your friend murdered my father, I also wear the mantle of king. So, I ask you... as both warrior and king... how long do you think you can keep your friend safe from me?"

We stayed silent.

"How did you know of it's cantonments?" T'Challa asks giving me a sideways glance.

"I can sense it, I'm Magnetokinesis, which includes detecting certain metals...so your highness if you happen to have a cloth to stop my blood from staining this van that would be appreciated" I said, gesturing to my blood dripping off my chin.

"Here" he said as he threw a piece of cloth back, "Children shouldn't be made to fight in wars"

"Steve" I whispered and he tilted his head slightly to show he was listening, "I'll put back in the system."

His jaw clenches and he hangs his head.

We arrive a light gray walled bunker as Bucky's pod being carried away by a forklift. Steve gets out of the SUV and glances across at Bucky who doesn't spot him. We approaches Sharon who's standing with a diminutive, gray-head man.

"What's gonna happen to him?" Steve asks

"Same thing that ought to happen to you. Psychological evaluation and extradition." The man says

"This is Everett Ross, Deputy Task Force Commander." Sharon introduces

"What about our lawyer?" Steve asks

"Lawyer. That's funny. See their weapons are placed in lockup. Oh, we'll write you a receipt." Ross says

"I better not look out the window and see anybody flying around in that." Sam mumbles

"Oh! and we'll have to take the kid" Ross says grabbing a hold of my arm, I shake him off.

"What?" I ask as he reaches for my arm again, I knew this was going to happen but that doesn't mean I want it too.

"Why can't see stay with us? I'll gladly adopt her if I need too" Steve offered taking Ross' arm off me.

"Captain, you now have a criminal record, I can not allow that" Ross said, grabbing my arm once again.

"What about Tony?! Or Natasha?! Can't they adopt her?" Sam asks

"I'm afraid that isn't possible considering both of them have 'unfit parent' marked in their psychological evaluation file. I'll cut her a deal, she can stay at her current state of residents with an adult" Ross said, "Only until someone wants to foster or adopt her, which is unlikely with an 'associating with a fugitive that blow up Vienna charge.'"

"Thank you Ross" Sam said, "May we pick the adult?"

"If you must,"


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