I put my hands up and bullets drop to the floor almost instantly. A couple guns fly out of the hands of the cops and land at my feet. The cops stand still for a second in bewilderment before, Bucky shoves Steve and he knocks a cop over.

He holds up his titanium  hand and repells some bullets, then slams a cop into a shelf. He picks up a large cement brick and slams it on another head. Steve starts to fight a cop on the balcony and a couple cops shoot around the door outside. Bucky punches through the wall beside he door and he lays into the cops.

One shoots at me and I pull his weapon away, before he can charge I kick him in the chest and he slams into the wall. By known I've almost completely lost sight of Bucky, and Steve.

"Suspect has broken containment! He's headed down the east stairwell!" One of the radios says in German.

I quickly jump down the stair well and land next to Steve as he catches a cop from falling over the railing.

"Come on, man." he mumbles.

Steve throws the cop up onto the landing, and Bucky breaks a bannister and swings down on it. Steve hurls a cop over his shoulders as I knock one off their feet. Bucky lays into jet more cops and takes them out. A cop aims at Bucky and I quickly slam the gun into the far wall. Bucky leaps down the stairwell and catches onto a railing as Steve pulls his shield out of the wall. I leap down after Bucky as he climbs up then runs along a corridor and leaps off a balcony. He tumbles onto the lower roof of the neighboring building where he finds where his backpack. he picks it up and runs.

I'm not far behind him until a muscular man clad entirely in black slams into Bucky from behind, knocking him down. He has a full face mask with pointed ears. He extends his fingers and sharp claws pop out.

My brain seems to go into over load, "vibranium, vibranium, invincible metal, no ammo will pass through" tiny voices seem to say.

He attacks Bucky with sweeping kicks and slashes. Bucky fights back but is kicked into a wall. The Black Mouser swipes his claws and spins gracefully. Bucky narrowly avoids being slashed, he holds up a metal bar to protect himself. I put my hand up and the arm of the Cat Man is pulled towards me. I run towards the two and try to force the Cat Man to the ground.

I can feel my hold on him growing stronger, pulling me than just his suit towards me. My own mind practically grasping to get control of my hold.

He turns around quickly to look at me.

Steve leaps from the balcony down onto the neighboring building as a chopper flies up.

Cat Man trying to lunges at Bucky with his claws, but I pull him back using almost all my strength. A soldier fires a machine gun from the chopper and breaks my concentration, and my hold on the man releases. The ammo bounces off Cat Man's armored suit.

Bucky manages to get out from the corner his attacker had put him, slings his bag on his back, runs and jumps down a level. The Feline slides down the wall using his claws for traction. I quickly follow suit and jump off the building as well, smart right?

Back lands at street level and the chase continues. Steve follows and lands rolling along the ground. Gunfire from the chopper tears up the sidewalk. Bucky jumps down through an opening and lands in an underpass, he runs through the traffic. We all drop down and chase after him, I do my best to move the cars from my path and use them to block the Cat's path, but I'm already extremely drained.

A Special Forces vehicle appears next to us. "Stand down! Stand down!" The driver yells, The vehicle closes in, blue lights flashing. Steve leaps onto the vehicle and splinters the windshield. The driver stops, Steve yanks him from the vehicle and kicks the windshield out, then drives off. I jump onto the top and slide in through the sun roof

Bucky runs over the top of a speeding car, outpacing it. The Black Kitty is a few cars behind, keeping pace with Bucky. he leaps on the back of the 4x4 that Steve's driving. Steve swerves from side to side, trying to throw him off. I try to force him off as well but there are to many interferences

"Sam, I can't shake this guy." Steve says

"Right behind you." Sam responds

Steve side-swipes another car and drives on. Up ahead Bucky reaches a fork in the road and faces oncoming traffic. He leaps over a barrier. Steve drives through the barrier, like a normal person does

A motorbike speeds towards Bucky. He grabs the handlebar and spins the bike around in mid air, throwing the rider off. He gets on the bike and rides away sending cars careering out of the way. Steve keeps on Bucky's tail with Cat Man holding onto the back of the 4x4.  We rocket through another underpass and Sam flies in.

The Feline leaps off the front of the 4x4 onto Bucky's motorbike. I quickly jump onto the roof of the car and attempt to knock him off. I get the bike to lean down on its side and the Cat tumbles off  Bucky kicks his assailant away, straightens up and rides on. The mouser reaches up and grabs a hold of Sam leg. I knock him off Sam and he lands gracefully on the floor. God Dammit. 

A sticky bomb explodes the top of the underpass and I cover my head with a piece of metal that falls.  The Black Kitty leaps from the ground and throws Bucky off the motorbike. Steve swerves the 4x4 through the rubble, I leaps off the top and pull the Cat Man away from Bucky. Steve steps out of the car and turns to face Mr. Cat Suit, as  armed police arrive and surround us guns aimed. Cap shakes his head at me, telling me to stand down.  Rhodes leaps down from above in his War Machine suit and raises both hands.

"Stand down, now. " Rhodes commands, Bucky stands beside Steve who puts his shield on his back. "Congratulations, Cap. You're a criminal. " He turns to face me, "You really had to involve the kid?"

Police move in and force Bucky and I to our knees. The Black Kitty raises his hands. A cop moves Steve's arms behind his back. The mouser retracts his claws and pulls off his mask revealing his face.


"Wie lautet der Befehl?" A GSF soldier says

"Nehmen Sie ihn weg. Er ist genau wie wir!" I say and I'm roughly pushed to the floor, my stitches ripping against the cement. I clutch my jaw at the antagonizing pain.

"Your highness." Rhodes says as Bucky's hauled flat on the ground next to me.

An Alluring Force ~ Captain America: Civil WarTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang