Chapter One: Expelled

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The picture is of Arianna Cade Emerson (Ace is her nickname)

Ace's P.O.V

It's halfway through the school day and I walk around my school, yes my school, a devious plan coming into my head. They won't even see it coming. I mentally laugh and smirk. Some people  walking down the hallways see my expression and back away knowing what is about to go down. Smart. I walk to the principals office and put on the most innocent face I can muster which it pretty good because I have been doing this my whole life. I take a deep breath before pushing the door open as if I'm in a rush.
"There's a fire in one of the chemistry classes!" I shout acting like there was a real emergency. He jumps up from his seat.
"Why didn't they pull the fire alarm?!" I look at him and pretended to be out of breath.
"Because they are trapped in the room!" He runs out and pulls the alarm, soon everyone was running out of the building. I laugh so hard I almost fell from the desk chair I was now sitting in. I'm gonna be in so much trouble after this. I pull the loudspeaker towards me and push the button that allows whoever's speaking to be heard all over the school.
"Hello,students of New York Sate high school this is Ace speaking. Today has been cut short do to the fire drill so you are all allowed to go home. Please call your parent to bring you home if you do not have an escort then one will be given to you. Thank you." I could already see the principals face even before he stormed back into his office with smoke practically fuming from his ears. Mission complete. I'm probably going to get suspended for a couple day-
"I am recommending you for expulsion." Wait WHAT! He can't do that; oh wait he can. Ace you dumbass Aunt Lauren is going to kill me.
"Do what ever. I honestly don't care" yes I do care. She's going to take my car and I can't live without my baby. She's a 1967 Camaro in midnight blue. If I don't have my car then I can't race and....oh shit what have I done?
"Then with that said your are expelled. Call your guardian to come pick you up and if I see you here again until next year I'm called the police and suing you. I'm done with your pranks, Ace. Done." I shrug my shoulders and walk out. When I get to my car in the schools parking lot I get in and go to the only place I know I will be safe from my Aunt when I call her because when she is mad she makes the devil fall to his knees and beg for mercy. I follow the familiar forgotten streets to and old abandoned warehouse where they hold the top thing I favor besides cars, fights. Not just some boxer can come in here and challenge someone and expect to win. The people that fight here fight dirty and rough, and this place has one rule you can beat them up as bad a you want, but you can't kill your opponent. I drive my car around to the back entrance and get out walking to the door that has a bouncer because this is a bar, so they don't allow anyone under 18 come in here. The only reason I'm allowed here is because I was in a fight with some guy around in this area, and the owner saw the video someone got of it. He literally almost begged me to fight here and I have been favored here from both staff and crowed since. After a while Dameon , the owner the fighting arena, has been like family to me. Before I get to the entrance I pull out my phone and call my aunt. She picks up on the fourth ring.
"Hello?" I hear here sweet voice come in from the other line knowing it was not going to stay that way for long.
"Hey" I say back
"Oh, Ace it's you. Aren't you supposed to be at school? Did something happen?" I sigh and get to the point. I tell her what happened and just like I thought her voice went from sweet and motherly to cold as frostbite.
"You did what?" Her voice was calm. Too calm. This was not a good thing.
"Yea...I gotta go. Talk to you later." I hang up not waiting for her response. I put my phone back into the back pocket of my jean shorts with tights underneath. I check the laces on my combat boots before I walk in the place I called my second home. The Dragon Flame.
Hey guys, Thanks for reading my first book on Wattpad, 'A Thousand Battles' if you have a request for the love interest character then message me or comment and I will choose from them. I will be posting a couples times a week maybe less during the next couple of weeks because of state testing.
-Sapphire Rose

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