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Early morning. Birds chirp and the rays of sun shine through the small gaps between the curtain.

The long intakes of breath of a young girl the age of seventeen can be heard throughout the quiet house.

As the sun rises, the light hits her eyes as if the world was telling her to wake up. And that was exactly what happened.

Her eyes shot open, bloodshot and in pain. Her night was spent crying after watching the 2nd eliminations of Idol Producer.

She yawns loudly shaking the fatigue of her body. As she walks off towards the door, she falls. She braces herself for harsh impact, but nothing ever happens.

She opens her tightly shut eyes, it widens as she comes to realise what was happening.

She was floating? But how? Surely superpowers only existed in movies and tv series.

She sets herself down by simply thinking of doing so. But that's not all that happened. The next thing that happened baffled her even more as she noticed she was now in the bathroom. She hadn't even started walking and her bedroom door was still closed.

She quickly notices how quiet the house is. In a panic, she runs down the stairs only to be greeted by silence and nothingness

What was going on? She wasn't experiencing a vivid nightmare was she?

To prove it was reality she decides to pick up a sewing pin to prick herself with.


Blood starts to trickle down her finger. Well it's reality, but the question still remains.. what was Sujin?

A Step Closer // Xiao Gui Where stories live. Discover now