Character Creation

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How to Join:

Fill out this form (write the form out not just the answers) for the character.

Hair color:
Eye color:
Other looks:
Powers (if infected):
Weakness (just to make sure your not god moded):
Where you start (on the planet):
With Government or Against:
Other info (Incase I forgot something):

Example will be my character.

Name: Miku
Age: 20
Hair color: prefall brown, but is now white to her mid back
Eye color: prefall dark brown, but turns red
Other looks: her cloths are tattered and dirty, her skin is pale and flawless, eye sight 20/20.
Powers: controls and creates fire. She doesn't get burned by it either.
Weakness: she cannot swim
Starts: Miku is near the Edge
Personality: She is a loner, thinks she is alone in the world. Scavenges supplies, but has a kind heart. She doesn't like to fight, but will defend herself.
Backstory: Miku had a different name before the fall, but she won't talk about it. She had an older brother who was caring for her, but when the fall happened she lost him. She found him at one of the government aid camps, but just before she went in to join him, she watched him mutate into half an animal. The officers killed him on the spot. She knew her hair and eyes changed, but that was the moment when fire flared in her hand for the first time. Shocked, the fire vanished as she trembled and left. Has been alone since.
Government: Against
Other info: she is currently moving towards the Edge where she will get a pet Phoenix.

Government: AgainstOther info: she is currently moving towards the Edge where she will get a pet Phoenix

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This was drawn by a friend of mine in 2010. Her eyes are supposed to be red, but I still love this picture ^,.,^

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